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Nolan Ryan

5.8, Trad, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 1.5 from 11 votes
FA: unknown
California > Joshua Tree NP > Central Joshua… > Sheep Pass Area > Ryan Campground > Manure Pile
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


3 bolt friction face.


This route is located about 30 feet to the left of Tom Bombadil.


2 bolts,gear anchor.walk off.

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[Hide Photo] Unknown
I assume this is the route you guys are talking about.
[Hide Photo] I assume this is the route you guys are talking about.

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Joseph Stover
Batesville, AR
[Hide Comment] the friction moves are probably no harder than 5.8 in the daytime... makes for an exciting nighttime lead! I started in the hand crack on the right side of the formation. There were two bolts, and build an anchor at the top with mostly medium pieces (#0.75-2 C4 iirc).

Although the walkoff/downclimb was confusing and scary at night(went up and to the left on a slab around a large summit block/face and downclimbed two short sections; probably totally wrong)... not sure where it is supposed to go... Apr 6, 2011