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Vapor Trails

5.12b, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 3 from 9 votes
FA: Bob D'Antonio - 91
Colorado > San Luis Valley > Penitente Canyon > Penitente - Inner Canyon


One of the better 12b's in the canyon, which is saying a lot, because there are many good ones. Some rare steep rock, this routes has nice pockets and edges and requires some sequential beta.


Just right of the popular slab routes at the end of the main canyon.



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There was no chalk on the holds, which provided the opportunity to discover my own sequence through the crux bulge.
[Hide Photo] There was no chalk on the holds, which provided the opportunity to discover my own sequence through the crux bulge.

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[Hide Comment] Anyone know if there are anchors on this? If not, I will put an anchor in. Looks like a sweet route. Oct 10, 2012
Lisa Montgomery
Golden, CO
[Hide Comment] Yes, there's an anchor for this route located above the horizontal break on a ledge.

Vapor Trails is extremely worthy and should be on the short list for the lower/mid-5.12 circuit. My only criticism is that the belay area is challenging with lots of bushy vegetation - easily remedied with some trimming. Note: VT receives extended shade in the morning. Mar 25, 2019
Xavier Rojas
[Hide Comment] This thing needs more traffic. It's an absolute classic. If you're interested in climbing this and happen to have a bush saw in your car, please bring it, and clear a small space for the belay! Currently the belayer is engulfed in branches. Also, there isn't real a trail to get to it.... Apr 1, 2019
Mark Franchi
[Hide Comment] An excellent, excellent climb! It definitely deserves more traffic and sees late sun, so it is a great summer climb. Personally I felt it was a touch soft for the grade, but maybe I was just on form that day. Do this one! Apr 10, 2024