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Friday the 13th

5.12a, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 11 votes
FA: Mac Ruiz - '90
Colorado > San Luis Valley > Penitente Canyon > Penitente - Inner Canyon


This is another great Penitente 12a. It starts with some uncharacteristically (for Penitente) big holds, then climbs nice pockets at the crux before rolling over onto the slab on crimps.


This lies just past the Virgin painting, where the canyon makes a bend to the right.



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Just through the crux (after dogging!).  Hard pocket sequence with very thin feet through the steep red wall.
[Hide Photo] Just through the crux (after dogging!). Hard pocket sequence with very thin feet through the steep red wall.

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Jason Hundhausen
Bozeman, MT
[Hide Comment] Pretty tough through the 2nd bolt, but eases up a bit after that. Thin slabby finish keeps things interesting. Jul 2, 2007
[Hide Comment] A good route, worth a go or two. I wasn't sure if the intention of the route was to go right to the crack above the second bolt or go straight up on heinous crimps. Either way felt similar in grade though. Mar 28, 2011