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Mission in the Snow

5.12a, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 12 votes
FA: Mac Ruiz, '90
Colorado > San Luis Valley > Penitente Canyon > Penitente - Entrance…


This is a wandering slab climb with two boulder problem cruxes. It has sharp and tiny crimps on less-than vertical rock. This is not the most compelling route in the canyon, but it is worth it if you like slabs.


It is on the right end of the Whipping Post Wall. This route is mis-attributed in the latest Falcon Guide. It is route 14 as labeled on the photo - the right-most route (swapped with Laura).


4 bolts.

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The rope is running down Mission In The Snow.
[Hide Photo] The rope is running down Mission In The Snow.

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John Maurer
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] Someone has to comment on this fun little climb . . . I liked it. Thoughtful moves on quality stone. Overlooked, as are many fine routes in the area. Nov 5, 2010
[Hide Comment] This is a sweet slab! I flashed it, so of course it felt easy, maybe .11d? No pain involved on this one! Just good moves and perfect protection. Great rock. Sep 18, 2012
Wes O'Rourke
South Fork
[Hide Comment] Great slabbin' and crimpin' on this one. Tough off the ground and probably harder if you're shorter. Thought this was up there with the other great 11+/12- slabs in the canyon. Jan 23, 2022