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I'm So Embarrassed For You

5.7, Trad, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 62 votes
FA: Randy Vogel and Charles Cole, Feb. 1980
California > Joshua Tree NP > Lost Horse Area > Lost Horse Rdsi… > Playhouse Rock
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Start in the middle of Playhouse Rock, on the right side of an obvious bulge that forms a roof low to the ground. The lower section of this climb is the crux and protects well, and is easier than it looks. Although a bit wide, no offwidth technique is required as there is a finger crack within the wide crack, and several nice holds on the face so look around. After the crux, this route is mostly slab climbing with a crack for pro. Up high there is one more vertical section with an awesome hand crack that again hits the grade. Top belay from a gear anchor and walk off to the south.


This crack route goes up the middle of the face


Pro to 4" but can be climbed on a standard rack.

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"I'm So Embarrassed For You".<br>
Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] "I'm So Embarrassed For You". Photo by Blitzo.
I'm So Embarrassed For You 5.7 on TR.
[Hide Photo] I'm So Embarrassed For You 5.7 on TR.
How to avoid offwidths, lesson 1: Lieback.  Sadie climbing.
[Hide Photo] How to avoid offwidths, lesson 1: Lieback. Sadie climbing.
Me feeling quite embarrassed.<br>
photo by Myong Moon
[Hide Photo] Me feeling quite embarrassed. photo by Myong Moon
I'm So Embarrassed For You
[Hide Photo] I'm So Embarrassed For You

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Colin Parker
Idyllwild, CA
[Hide Comment] Another underrated route on Playhouse. Stop over here for a day and climb all these moderates. Great area for folks breaking into the 5.7 grade. May 27, 2009
susan peplow
Joshua Tree
[Hide Comment] The start amazingly tricky, so much so I went back down for small gear to protect the first set of sequences. Gear is so-so, a bit flared in spots, a few pods...... Good route just wasn't as obvious as some of the neighboring routes. May 2, 2014
phylp phylp
[Hide Comment] I had my #5 with me and placed it in the wide section. Was glad to have it as I found that section surprisingly physical. Rest of route really nice. Apr 25, 2023