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Don't Mean Nothin'

5.10c, Trad,  Avg: 2.9 from 13 votes
FA: Nate Postma, 1990
Minnesota > Red Wing (a.k.a… > Perfect Crimb Area


Thin crack in the middle of a dark face located to the left and around the arete from Perfect Crimb. Harder than it looks. Sustained 5.10 climbing with pumpy and difficult gear placements on insecure footholds. Respectable climb.

I know of at least one long fall on this route where all pieces except one ripped and the leader ended a foot above the ground. Small gear is rarely bomber at Red Wing so zip it up to limit chances of decking.


Complete set of nuts, small TCU's or Aliens, although I wouldn't try to whip on them at Red Wing.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Peyton Hassinger OS-ing Don't Mean Nothin' at Red Wing. 17 May '10.
[Hide Photo] Peyton Hassinger OS-ing Don't Mean Nothin' at Red Wing. 17 May '10.
Peyton on the final hard moves.
[Hide Photo] Peyton on the final hard moves.

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Kevin O'Connor
Richmond, VA
[Hide Comment] The gear for sure on this route is not what I would consider ideal, super thin in insecure Red Wing dolomite. I did the climb yesterday 5/17/11, and it was a great route needless to say. The whole time I was climbing it though I pretty much felt like I was free soloing. It was either go for the onsite or wet my pants situation, and luckily I got the former. May 18, 2011
Eric Swanson
Madison, WI
[Hide Comment] Nice climb. Sent it today on lead with a double set of c3s and some nuts. Definitely needed the selection to find it less intimidating. Sustained 10 climbing, but no move too hard. The fear keeps you moving. Nov 6, 2011