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White Trash

5.12a, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 3.9 from 70 votes
FA: John Rich, Sept. 1988
Oregon > Central Oregon > Smith Rock > (z) Lower Gorge > W Side > (2) Wildfire Wall
Warning Access Issue: 2023 Seasonal Raptor Nesting Closures DetailsDrop down


For good reason, one of the most climbed 5.12 sport routes in the Lower Gorge. Continuously enjoyable and interesting moves in sustained, varied and technical terrain create this classic climb. The crux is about 2/3rds up.


Wildfire Wall, west side of the Crooked River.
Starts on a block leaning against the wall and veers up and left.


Bolts with rap anchors at the top.

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Vernon Stiefel
[Hide Comment] This is one of many stupendous routes in the Lower Gorge pioneered by John Rich. He recently extended the route on overhanging jugs (10c - bolt protected) for a full value 100' pitch! Apr 5, 2006
Max Tepfer
Bend, OR
[Hide Comment] FWIW, the extension is in-credible! Definitely do it. Unlike anything else at the grade in the Park. May 5, 2013
Brett Merlin
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] The steep 5.10 extension up high is mandatory. So good! Sep 17, 2019
Aimee McRae
[Hide Comment] Amazing line. If you can get through the bottom, don't miss the extension. It's so much fun- overhanging jugs the whole way! Nov 9, 2019
Ethan Berkeland
Fairbanks, AK
[Hide Comment] Had to come here and say how super ultra mega classic this thing is with the extension. So fun! Apr 21, 2021
Paul P
[Hide Comment] Very nice, I like Aug 5, 2022