Type: Sport, 50 ft (15 m)
FA: Brad Singer and Doug Chalker, 1986
Page Views: 1,266 total · 6/month
Shared By: C Miller on Mar 23, 2006
Admins: C Miller, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Climb past horizontals and then mantle onto a small ledge to clip the high first bolt. Move left using thin edges to a somewhat tenuous clip and keep moving up and left to a good horizontal crack; continue up to a delicate stand-up move between the 3rd and 4th bolt, keeping your heels low, and finish with more positive scoops and edges.

Location Suggest change

Just right of a wide crack - More Moss than Gloss on the left side of a steep slab.

Protection Suggest change

4 bolts, chain anchors
