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5.9, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 418 votes
FA: Tim Carpenter, John Tyreman 1975
Oregon > Central Oregon > Smith Rock > (l) Christian B… > Christian Brothers -…
Warning Access Issue: 2023 Seasonal Raptor Nesting Closures DetailsDrop down


Revelations was the first fully bolted sport route at Smith, which makes it historic. Unfortunately age isn't everything, and this climb is like old creaky Uncle Sid. He shows up at the family reunions, he's a nice guy, you try to like him...but he's just a little bit too weird in the end.

Revelations climbs the bolted arete left of Barbecue the Pope. Pinch and tiptoe your way up the pebbley face, using the arete as you go. I found this climb to be a little insecure with some odd sequences between bolts-- and there's a lot of between bolts on this one. There's probably no more run out than on most other Smith routes, but these pebbley slabs do something to my head.



Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Finding feet on Revelations. June 2021
[Hide Photo] Finding feet on Revelations. June 2021
[Hide Photo] Revelations
Dr. J, peaking, on Revelations
[Hide Photo] Dr. J, peaking, on Revelations
Mycroft Smith post (mental) crux on this great route.  His waist is at the first bolt.
[Hide Photo] Mycroft Smith post (mental) crux on this great route. His waist is at the first bolt.
Ella Rose being bold above her last bolt
[Hide Photo] Ella Rose being bold above her last bolt
Colins first 5.9 onsight
[Hide Photo] Colins first 5.9 onsight
Kathryn following Revelations
[Hide Photo] Kathryn following Revelations

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

DJ Reyes
Northern Nevada
[Hide Comment] I didn't mind this route. I think it must have had a lot of loose rock in the beginning, but now is not bad. Getting to the first bolt may be intimidating for some new leaders. Jul 11, 2010
CTYankee Brown
Prospect, CT
[Hide Comment] The first step is interesting for short, inflexible people. The start is intimidating for old leaders, too. Once the first bolt is clipped, it is fun. Aug 4, 2011
[Hide Comment] I don't understand why the first bolt is so high off the ground, it seems about 25' up, a fall from there would be disastrous. Much worse than Barbecue the Pope. May 8, 2012
[Hide Comment] "I don't understand why the first bolt is so high off the ground, it seems about 25' up, a fall from there would be disastrous."

As stated in the route description above, there's a place for a nut before the first bolt.

Chad May 8, 2012
Zak Krenzer
Auburn, WA
[Hide Comment] My stick clip didn't reach the first bolt. A #8 BD nut protects the leader pretty well. Place about half way between the deck and first big left hand jug.

One of my favorite routes at smith! May 6, 2013
Bryan Hall
Portland, Oregon
[Hide Comment] Yep, bring your nuts for this one. The first bolt is scary for sure. I'm comfortable onsighting 10's on sport and trad at Smith but didn't enjoy the journey to the first bolt. Once it's clipped you'll enjoy the run to the anchors. Jul 25, 2013
[Hide Comment] It's true that the first bolt is scary high, broken ankles would probably be the best case scenario. The climbing to it is only about 5.7 though. A nut or small cam is recommended. I placed a bomber #2 mastercam at about 15 feet for peace of mind. Fun climb with sporting but reasonable runouts the rest of the way up. Sep 11, 2013
[Hide Comment] Fun climb. 1st bolt is extremely high - even with most standard length stick clips. Best to place gear for protection. May 27, 2017
Steven Higdon
Rhododendron, OR
[Hide Comment] Great mental warmup for those runout nubbin climbs. I feel like the run out first bolt is the easiest climbing on the route. If you look hard enough, there will always be a few hands and feet to ease your progress. Oct 16, 2017
Rob L
[Hide Comment] Good warmup route. I placed a .2 X4 about 7 or 10 feet below the first bolt. There's one or two good spots to place a nut as well. Would be a heady warmup without that first piece in! Nov 12, 2017
Max Tepfer
Bend, OR
[Hide Comment] Two bolts were added to this today eliminating the runout start. No more gear required. Feb 25, 2020
[Hide Comment] Max, why bolt the start? It takes gear. Did one of the first ascensionists give the green light for that?

Chad Jun 23, 2020