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Low Pressure

5.10+ PG13, Trad, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 16 votes
FA: Tobin Sorenson
California > Tahquitz & Suic… > Suicide Rock > (l) Buttress of… > Buttress of Cracks -…


This is a short, steep lieback on good rock, with easy hand jamming above the roof. The crack will accept wired nuts or tiny cams, but it is very difficult to see into the crack and place gear while leading. Fortunately, it is easy to set up a toprope. This route receives morning sun.


thin gear for the crux; medium size pieces on the hand crack above

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Low Pressure, Stonemaster style, in 1974.
[Hide Photo] Low Pressure, Stonemaster style, in 1974.
Somewhat higher on Low Pressure, 1974-ish.
[Hide Photo] Somewhat higher on Low Pressure, 1974-ish.

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Darshan Ahluwalia
Orange, CA
  5.10c R
[Hide Comment] This is not 10a by any means. It is much harder than Pitch 3 of El Camino Real (10a layback) and more sustained than On The Road (10c layback). I'd say its at least 10c.

Difficult to protect as mentioned in the description. Jun 11, 2006
[Hide Comment] The new guidebook gives this route .10c, marking the initial part ".10" and the roof ".10c". IMO, the initial layback on lead is probably .10d, due in large part to the difficulty in finding solid gear. I wouldn't give the pitch an R, because good gear is available. I think the roof is easier than .10c as well. Jun 13, 2006
Randy in Ridgecrest
Inyokern, CA
[Hide Comment] I saw a fellow pop from up by the roof and deck on the ledge. Made a horrible hollow sound. He was battered but basically OK. May 22, 2012
San Diego, CA
[Hide Comment] Fun route, but I didn't think the start (or any part of the route) was very difficult to protect. You can look into the crack before you start and pre-plan your first couple pieces. Takes .5s really easily. Definitely did not think it was "R." Jul 8, 2017
Tony Miller
Huntington Beach, Ca
[Hide Comment] I noticed High pressure variation isn't listed. You can stuff your toe into the roof crack, then reach out over the roof for a handhold, then drop both legs before swinging them up onto the face above the roof. 11a/b. Aug 15, 2017