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5.9, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 52 votes
FA: Brad Winters, 2003?
Colorado > Grand Junction… > Escalante Canyon > Interiors Wall Area
Warning Access Issue: The Cabin Wall and the Island are both closed to climbing DetailsDrop down


The flake on the outside of the cave area, just right from the easy route.

I don't have FA information or route name but will be happy to add them.


I used a Bigbro to protect the start but a good spot is probably sufficient. Above this you'll need a standard rack - nothing unusual.

A modern wide rack of cams will work for the offwidth BD 4-7, then a finger sized piece or two for the top.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Leon Islas starting the route.
[Hide Photo] Leon Islas starting the route.
So fun. A BD #7 is a bit tipped out at the bottom but gets better as you wiggle up.
[Hide Photo] So fun. A BD #7 is a bit tipped out at the bottom but gets better as you wiggle up.
"Well, that might hold a wet cat"...tipped out with mud on one side.
[Hide Photo] "Well, that might hold a wet cat"...tipped out with mud on one side.
Brian Verhulst atop the Flake.
[Hide Photo] Brian Verhulst atop the Flake.
Leon near the top.
[Hide Photo] Leon near the top.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Greg Sievers
Bozeman, MT
[Hide Comment] I started on the right side of this flake to avoid the wide section, then crossed to the left at mid-height. Still about the same rating. Very enjoyable climbing.
The stack of loose blocks on the top will rattle and rattle you. They may not last many more years, and I would not suggest ever putting a cam behind them. Apr 30, 2009
coop Best
Glenwood Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] The right side had a nice, crumbling flake that I cleaned off. Glad I knocked on it first, because 1 downward pull was all it took to launch it off. Mar 29, 2010
[Hide Comment] I also started on the right and crossed over due to a lack of Bigbros. It was fun, but wow this is one scary death boulder that will pop if some one tries to protect in it, and I would say the crux is the face moves from the right to left right at that flake but fun and worth doing. Sep 8, 2010
Brad Winters
Hudson, OH
[Hide Comment] I put up this cute, little route a long time ago (2003?) and called it Fondon't. At the time I had a penchant for things that leaned up against walls so it just had to be done. It adds to moderates in this area though. Oct 8, 2011
Jean Spencer
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] I also started in the right crack section and traversed left. These moves can be well protected with a #4 high in the right crack before stepping down and over onto the face. Apr 22, 2013
D Scott Clark
Chattanooga, TN
  5.9+ R
[Hide Comment] Pretty sure that if you climbed the right side, you're not climbing the route. Climb the wide. It's why you're there. Oct 12, 2016
[Hide Comment] We did the right side, we did a left side, and if you're into more boulder slab type, go up the center until it's completely blank, but you can get a fair amount of moves up the center. We did center on top rope obviously, since there is no gear to be placed, but there is definitely a very technical section on this beast. Overall, this area was super worth the time. May 4, 2018
Colton Lawson
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] A #8 fits perfectly. Nov 27, 2022
Fern Gully
[Hide Comment] Very fun climbing. That being said, the detached flake thing halfway up is a ticking time bomb. The top block below the anchor seems dubious. I would rate this thing as 5.skettttttchy. Oct 14, 2024