Type: Trad, 90 ft (27 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 3,251 total · 13/month
Shared By: Anonymous Coward on Mar 6, 2004
Admins: Alvaro Arnal, Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Located in the corner immediately to the right of the Pink Face, the Second Dihedral, or Girlfriend Corner, is an excellent ladder like climb that eats almost any gear. Approach from the climbers' trail located on the east side of No Name Creek. Take the trail all the way right to the Jungle Book corner. Scramble up steps around to the left. The first ten feet are often soloed to reach the anchors of the the practice slab and the left top out of the unnamed crack. This corner is an excellent first lead or a great place to take beginners. Climb up the low-angle, left-facing corner until you reach the diving board ledge. Rappel the route from the diving board using two black Metolius rap hangers. It is possible to climb up and left from the diving board to reach the anchors of the Pink Face. Be sure to enjoy the views of the canyon from the diving board.

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Standard granite rack.

