Type: Trad
FA: unknown
Page Views: 1,384 total · 5/month
Shared By: Julian Smith on Mar 5, 2002
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Warning Access Issue: NOTE: Access only from Turkey Rocks Trailhead. DetailsDrop down

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The Excellent Crack is located on the Rightovers. To get to the Rightovers, head east from Turkey Tail. Drop some elevation to go along the base of the next cliff band. The Excellent Crack is to the left of the Left Y Crack and just right of a large roof that has large, chopper-looking flakes hanging out of it.

Begin by climbing a face to the right of an obvious weakness through a roof. Once through the roof, wander up twin cracks to the top. The left hand crack grows very large towards the top. Setting an anchor on top is not too difficult. The route can be top roped with a 200' rope easily.

Walk off to the west to get back down. Enjoy.

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Bring a little bit of everything. You won't feel dumb toting along the #5 Camalot.


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