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Satyr's Asshole
Trad, 3 pitches,
Avg: 2.9 from 85
FA: unknown, probably Dunn, et. al.
> S Platte
> Turkey Rocks
> Turkey Rock
Access Issue: NOTE: Access only from Turkey Rocks Trailhead.
No access from the Turkey Rock Ranch Estates neighborhood.
Satyr's Asshole begins in a short crack about 10 or 15 feet to the left of Straw Turkey. Towards the end of this first crack, jog left to join another crack. Continue until this crack makes a sharp diagonal left (leading to anchors above Great White Crime). Judging by the amount of chalk I saw in the diagonal crack, many people have mistakenly deprived themselves of doing the crux of this route. Move RIGHT, across a face instead. Doing this will put you below the climb's namesake. Move upward into the steepening and widening crack and place a bomber 5 Friend at the beginning of some outstanding climbing. Easier climbing awaits about 10 feet above on a less than vertical crack. Continue on the crack moving right around a bulge at a well-chalked flake to the anchors. Rap from here with 2 ropes or continue to the top (5.7).
This is yet another low profile S. Platte classic. It includes face moves, crack climbing at almost every width and of course, beautiful granite. Thanks for reading another round of my "spraying under the guise of being informative."
The first (crux) pitch of this route is about 150' and shares the same rap anchors as P1 of
Straw Turkey (use the ones 4' below the nest of webbing). Otherwise, the top can be reached at 5.7 and 2 more pitches for a walk-off. In addition to a standard rack, be sure to bring a #5 Friend.
[Hide Photo] Avoiding the "crux". Stepping left to the chains of the Great White Crime. Makes a great warm up 5.8 pitch.
[Hide Photo] Roland at the end of the crack on the 5.10R finish variation. Very delicate slab moves to the right on somewhat crumbly rock. Not always easy to repeat.
Fort Collins, CO
My partner Chuck attempted to lead the "10a R" last bit, but fell a few times, the last one about 15', so we bailed. I didn't feel his weight on the ropes on any of the falls, but I was 150' down, so there may have been a bunch of drag.
My 1984 "For Turkeys Only" guide (by Steve Cheyney) says the last bit "is a somewhat serious pitch". Chuck's a good slab climber and thought this final bit was much harder than 10a and very runout. Jun 19, 2005
Golden, CO
Grand Junction, CO
Colorado Springs, Colorado