Type: Sport
FA: Kurt Smith, 1992
Page Views: 2,985 total · 11/month
Shared By: Richard M. Wright on Nov 6, 2001
Admins: Alvaro Arnal, Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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On the left side of the Wasteland. CS is the right of two lines firing up the near vertical face on pale to tan colored stone. Continuous movement on edges and side pulls with narry a pocket in sight in the land of pockets. This excellent "warm up" has always felt closer to 5.11d to than 11c, and it was originally rated 5.12a. Certainly no single sequence adds up to 12a, so pick your preference somewhere in that range.

This wall can pick up some stunning heat in the warmer months, and can be deadly in the middle of the day. On one such tour of CS the heat got to be so much that I nearly blacked out at 60 ft and took a good solid 25 footer onto an unsuspecting belayer. CS has also been the scene of some truly senseless climbing antics, perhaps because it is reasonably moderate. History aside, CS is fine line with high continuity, crisp edges, and solid rock. Just stay out of the sun.

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Bring about a dozen draws and a 60 meter rope.


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