Type: Sport
FA: Richard Aschert & Ed Quesada
Page Views: 2,708 total · 9/month
Shared By: montay on Dec 31, 2000
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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This is an old Shelf Road mini-classic. If this route was 80 feet, it would be the bomb. I belayed my first whipper on this beast over a decade ago, and for some reason every time I get on it, I get a little weak in the knees on the upper clips.

The list is located about 50 yards south of Suburbia in a similar little corner. This corner has a nice block to sit on and a pleasant tree to hang your hat on. On the south-facing wall of this corner, The List is on the left (note the old, home-made hangers at the start. On the right is a nice bolted arete called "Hide 'n Seek".

As with many of the old Shelf routes, clipping the first bolt is a bit tenuous, particularly if you don't have long arms. After this is clipped, stroll up easy rock with crazy jugs to a cave for GI Joes. From here, blast through the next steep section on pumpy jugs, and mind your feet. Run laps on this one at the end of the day until you can't drive home.

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5 bolts and anchors.

