Update: as of 6/7/23 per Mike McHugh, ECSP: all closures have been lifted within Eldorado Canyon State Park, including Continental Crag. Crags on Eldorado Mountain, such as Mickey Mouse wall and Cryptic Crags, are outside of park boundaries and may still be subject to Boulder County closures.
Previously in 2023: per M. McHugh, ECSP: the upper loop of the Rattlesnake Gulch Trail, above the Crags Hotel Ruin, & the
Continental Divide Overlook, is closed effective immediately. This included Continental Crag.
These areas are closed to all activities, including rock climbing & hiking, through 7/15 or until further notice, to protect nesting golden eagles on the S side of the canyon.
Golden Eagles are protected by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service under authority of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. A conviction of nest disturbance can carry a fine to $5,000 & one year imprisonment.
See the map in the photo section for terrain closure.
Previous years: per Dustin Bergman, CO State Parks Officer #770, ECSP:
Seasonal Raptor Closures
Check Park site for current closures:
cpw.state.co.us/placestogo/… For more info visit:
cpw.state.co.us/placestogo/… Double check prior to venturing there. Thanks!
Around Boulder, CO
Levin has since cleared that up, I presume with the FA party. So, as it turns out, what I did was the FA of what was later climbed again and then named "Shallow Grave" (11a, R) some years later. That matches almost exactly what I did in 2000 and 2001, and then again this week. FWIW, Kat pulled a big "brick" off of the flake on second this time, but the rest seems solid still.
Anyway, I guess Shallow Grave is FA Bubb/Spindloe, July Y2K, and I let Steve L. know for future reference. The name of that route should stand, since it is known as such, and I thought I was on an existing route and never proposed a name for it anyway. Feb 25, 2024