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5.10a, Trad,  Avg: 2.8 from 11 votes
FA: unknown
Wyoming > Laramie Area > Vedauwoo > Nautilus
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This line is interesting for two reasons. The apparent one is the short lived fingery layback crux. The not so obvious one is the spelunking that follows. Locate the second crack right of Maxilash and several yards left of Captain Nemo. Climb easily up to the pod below the finger crack above. The crux above provides bomber placements for either small cams or nuts. Blaze the first few bodylengths (crux), then the angle kicks back. Soon the fissure widens and you'll find yourself deep in the chimney belaying inside listening to any beta being spewed in the Friday the 13th corridor. Options include continuing 'up' into the chimney to topout and walkoff. I recommend the caving option. Lead directly back through (yes THROUGH) the Nautilus eventually popping back into the day(star/moon)light in the Friday the 13th corridor. Place a few pieces to ease the seconds mind. Locate anchors (hopefully not occupied) on H&H Grunt or Deception and either rappel (single rope) or continue up. (Yes, I'm not sure which line it was we were descending, but there are easy to find anchors).


A SR up to #3 Camalot, inculding small camming units.