Type: | Trad, Sport, 2 pitches |
FA: | unknown |
Page Views: | 1,565 total · 5/month |
Shared By: | Richard M. Wright on Aug 2, 2001 · Updates |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
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Access Issue: MM 23-29.5 - now ended daily CO 7 highway closure/delays
Per Kai Bouwman: the daily CO 7 highway closure/delay access issue is no longer a problem according to CDOT the construction finished as of Nov. 11, 2022.
From CDOT: Colorado Highway 7 is closed daily from MP 23-29.5. Motorists can only travel through the area between 6-8 am and 4-7 pm. During these timeframes, pilot cars will lead alternating one-way travel. Drivers should plan for delays, and this schedule will remain in place through Memorial Day 2022.
During the closure, motorists need to take US 36 to CO 7.
From CDOT: Colorado Highway 7 is closed daily from MP 23-29.5. Motorists can only travel through the area between 6-8 am and 4-7 pm. During these timeframes, pilot cars will lead alternating one-way travel. Drivers should plan for delays, and this schedule will remain in place through Memorial Day 2022.
During the closure, motorists need to take US 36 to CO 7.
On the left side of Observatory Rock is an alcove with several lines, including the sport route, Killer Instinct on the far left. Skin Mechanic starts off right of KI on a bolt protected 5.10 slab/face and heads for a clean 5.9 crack. Belay above the crack on the left. Pitch 2 chases up the obvious corner to the tree above for a moderate trad pitch. We walked off since it looked most simple. This was a good clean line with a nice mix of climbing. The lower section of P1 seemed a bit runout before it was possible to get in some gear.