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V2-, Boulder,  Avg: 2.3 from 11 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > Ft Collins > Carter Lake > Split Boulder


Start underneath the middle of the roof and head up. Pull up and reach high. Do a foot lock under the roof and pull over. Very fun. One of my favorire problems.



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Getting that foot up into the roof.
[Hide Photo] Getting that foot up into the roof.

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Joe M
[Hide Comment] Watch out, sometimes the bees make a nest up under the roof in the summer. Feb 25, 2003
[Hide Comment] Try the undercling traverse. Start on far left by dokken left. Move right using gratuitous underclings and staying low. When you reach the far right end of the boulder (slightly farther right of photo) throw with right hand to the right arete, crimp with left then straight up. This felt like V3 to me. Fun problem but with so many other great lines at Carter, what are you doing at this somewhat mediocre bloc. Further north many of the area's best gems await..... Nov 2, 2007
Kevin S
Ft Collins, CO
[Hide Comment] This is a super fun short problem worth repeating. I had no need for the “foot lock” described. Dec 9, 2024