Type: Trad, Sport
FA: Dave Dunblazier, Cathy Bright
Page Views: 2,846 total · 10/month
Shared By: Derek Lawrence on Jun 22, 2001
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Start off the ramp about 50 feet right of the large squeeze/dihedral (Face Value). Look for a small tree growing behind a loose flake.

Head up off the flake past the tree (place a dicey, small nut, tricam, or TCU in the seam) to the first bolt (5.8). Follow the bolts (4 or 5?) up the face to the anchors. This route is a good intro to climbing on Helen's Dome.

Rap the route with double ropes (one 60m will just get you to the top of the flake forcing a downclimb).

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Take 8-10 quickdraws and a small wire/tri-cam/TCU for the initial seam. Fixe rap anchors at belay.

