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Banana Chimney

5.4, Trad,  Avg: 2.1 from 30 votes
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Colorado > Denver South > Castlewood Cany… > Grocery Store Walls
Warning Access Issue: Historical seasonal raptor closures with 2023 updates DetailsDrop down


1: Climb the chimney behind the Banana Tower. There are several variations here. You can either stem inside the chimney that makes the Banana Tower or take the chimney on the left; either variation is similar.


Ummm...just solo it. The 1st real piece is one move from the top. This can be protected with a #3 Friend. There is an anchor on top to the tree above Teething Biscuit.

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Banana Chimney.
[Hide Photo] Banana Chimney.
Chris Baker in the chimney.
[Hide Photo] Chris Baker in the chimney.
Near the top on a rope-solo of the chimney.
[Hide Photo] Near the top on a rope-solo of the chimney.

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Brandon johnson
Highlands Ranch, CO
[Hide Comment] Pretty easy to climb up this one. If you want to top rope, nice anchors on the outter part of the chimney but not really needed. Good chimney for beginners to learn on. May 11, 2006
Jeremy Hakes
Golden, CO
[Hide Comment] Great, fun chimney! Great pratice for someone who's never done a chimney before. Really fun, positive to climb, and not too difficult to protect as a TR once set up on top of the Banana Tower. We rappelled from a tree to the west to the top of the tower and set up the TR from there. You can do it unprotected, as I'm sure people do, but you make a mistake, and you probably die or severely mangle yourself... May 22, 2006
Marc Stuive
Parker, Co
[Hide Comment] This chimney is GREAT for new climbers and kids. You can wedge yourself between the tower and the cliff face, and shimmy on up with your feet and back. Easier than walking around to gather gear if you are tired. Jun 21, 2009
Rob B
Flagstaff, Arizona
[Hide Comment] Fun chimney to free, run laps, and practice stemming on the downclimb. Jun 4, 2012