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Entry Level

5.9-, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.1 from 82 votes
FA: TR: Kathy Shannon, '88. FA: bolted: Richard Wright, Anna Bran
Colorado > Denver South > Castlewood Cany… > C-Section
Warning Access Issue: Historical seasonal raptor closures with 2023 updates DetailsDrop down


This is a good beginner/warmup route. Start on the next section of wall S. of Beta Slave on a black water streak not as prominent as Pat Hedgeclipper. Move up on good holds all the way to the anchors.


5 QDs to a double bolt anchor.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Myself on my second lead, and yeah, it was kinda wet...
[Hide Photo] Myself on my second lead, and yeah, it was kinda wet...
A high first clip, you may need a stickclip to ensure safety.
[Hide Photo] A high first clip, you may need a stickclip to ensure safety.
The route from directly below.
[Hide Photo] The route from directly below.
My belayer Sam pausing to take a selfie while I rest in the small cave midway up the climb.
[Hide Photo] My belayer Sam pausing to take a selfie while I rest in the small cave midway up the climb.
At the crux, trusting those feet, my second lead.
[Hide Photo] At the crux, trusting those feet, my second lead.
Dan trying to keep his hands warm.
[Hide Photo] Dan trying to keep his hands warm.
Dan Mottinger leading on a cold Christmas Eve.
[Hide Photo] Dan Mottinger leading on a cold Christmas Eve.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] Did this route on 3/31/02. Last bolt and both anchors are spinning, seemed solid, maybe just need to be tightened up some. Apr 2, 2002
[Hide Comment] I did this around 4/03, and it is more like a 5.10 when it's wet. May 14, 2003
Darin Lang
[Hide Comment] This climb would certainly be much harder when wet. Even bone dry, though, at least one move on this route feels a little tricky for 5.8. Maybe 5.8d. May 15, 2003
[Hide Comment] I tried to tighten the bolt at the anchor and it didn't turn easy so i let it be, the hole must not have been deep enough when the bolt was installed. I also agree that the crux move feels harder than the 5.8 grade would imply. Maybe i used the wrong hand holds or didn't look long enough? Has anyone taken any falls any of the bolts, can't say that i like cold shut bolt hangers

Jun 12, 2004
Andrew Gram
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] I fell with my feet above a bolt in the crux and it was fine. Hard 5.8, but I am not good at cobble climbing so everything at Castlewood feels sandbagged to me. Jun 16, 2004
[Hide Comment] Still think the crux move is in the .9 area, but anyhow i installed chains at the top, enjoy. Jun 26, 2004
Bear Creek, CO
[Hide Comment] Chains have been moved to other routes (not by me), they were a bit unnecessary. Bolts at the top need to be replaced due to corrosion.

I would say the crux move at the roof is closer to 5.9 than 5.8, so I give it a 5.9-. Also, getting to the first bolt may be a challenge for a 5.8 climber to onsight. Feb 8, 2009
Tony B
Around Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] Agreed that it is hard at the given 5.8 grade... but is still the obvious area warm-up. Dec 13, 2009
Wayne Monnett
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] 7.27.2010 be wary, the first bolt is missing. Didn't notice how high the first bolt was until I was almost 20ft up. There are only 4 bolts now, and you can see the hole where the bottom bolt used to be. We moved on because the fall would be onto rocks, not ground, so was looking at a broken ankle in the very least. Jul 27, 2010
Alex Dean
Idaho Falls, ID
[Hide Comment] The first bolt must have been replaced, because it was there when I climbed it today. Mar 20, 2011
Mike Lane
[Hide Comment] This route had its gear updated with new hangers and better anchors during the Winter of 2009/10 (permitted anchor replacement for the whole wall). In addition, I was just there a couple weeks ago; and the first bolt is as it has always been. I think Wayne has to be talking about one of the routes at Morning Sun Wall, as they do get their hangers stolen. Mar 20, 2011
Boston, MA
[Hide Comment] Good warm up for the harder routes at C-section. I originally confused this route with another 5.8ish climb (also a good warmup) that is in the black streak next to The Sky is Falling. Does anybody know what this route is? Or the one to the right of it, but before Entry Level? They do not appear to be listed on mtn proj.... Aug 11, 2012
Josh Guthrie
Greenwood Village
[Hide Comment] The main part of the route is wet in the spring, along with many other routes here this time of year. I had to climb around the wet rock, but it was still a fun climb. Definitely 5.9 though. Mar 24, 2019
[Hide Comment] How do I get to C Section? Slogged across the river, on sandy and muddy banks but never found any sort of trail that lead anywhere. Dec 17, 2021