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Haven't A Clue

5.8, Sport, TR, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 84 votes
FA: Shane Willet, Mike Carnahan 1991
Utah > Wasatch Range > Central Wasatch > Big Cottonwood… > Dogwood Crag


This climbs the right line up the small roof on the right side of Dogwood. It is a smooth smeary type climb with a crux at the roof. Well protected.


2 bolt Anchor and 6 draws for the route.

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Put a couple rocks at the base. water level is low enough you can easily do this route now without getting your rope too wet... but be careful when you pull it through the chains! 7/15/2018
[Hide Photo] Put a couple rocks at the base. water level is low enough you can easily do this route now without getting your rope too wet... but be careful when you pull it through the chains! 7/15/2018
My first lead climb, Haven't got a clue.
[Hide Photo] My first lead climb, Haven't got a clue.
Ben suspended above the river on Haven't a Clue.
[Hide Photo] Ben suspended above the river on Haven't a Clue.
Mars on the headwall above the roof.
[Hide Photo] Mars on the headwall above the roof.
At the base of: I think I'm going bald, Haven't a clue.
[Hide Photo] At the base of: I think I'm going bald, Haven't a clue.
View from start of Haven't a Clue
[Hide Photo] View from start of Haven't a Clue

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Isaac Tait
Oakdale, CT
[Hide Comment] There is a photo of this route in the Patagonia '08 catalog, do you have to start from a boat to do this climb? Or is it only when the water is high? Feb 28, 2008
Brian in SLC
Sandy, UT
[Hide Comment] Dogwood never looked so cool! Nice shot of Anita Brueski.
Water is either too high (and a boat would be crazy) or low enough that a boat isn't required (after spring runoff). Mar 1, 2008
Matthew Oliver
Salt Lake City
[Hide Comment] I love to do this climb in early June. The water is so high that starting from the water is impossible. Rather I climb the first 20 ft of Take Me to the River, just past the washed part, and trav left to just below the roof. Beware of traffic though, people are not to keen on you using the first bolt of Take Me to the River well the rest is empty, and I have had some one climb it well I was still clipped into the first bolt. Let me just say I was pretty pissed when I got down... Aug 17, 2010
Matheson Harris
[Hide Comment] Lead "going bald" first, pulled the rope and lead this second. I felt this was nearly as challenging a lead as the upper portion is a little polished and there are a few spots with 2 finger crimpers and small foot edges. The first bolt is shared with "going bald, but this creates a big zig zag in your rope. After clipping the second bolt, I slid over and removed the first draw so my belayer was directly below me and not standing next to the water. Mar 31, 2012
marsh Flint IV
Oakland, CA
[Hide Comment] Bring a big tarp and you can get a good stance about 5 feet to right of directly below the first bolt. Place the tarp in the shallow section of creek between a few rocks and there are some nicely shaped rocks to stand on. Also helpful to have a spotter for the first clip and your longest runner. Jun 11, 2012