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Cow Tipping

V1, Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 22 votes
FA: Aaron Rough, Winter 1999
California > San Francisco B… > Wine Country/No… > Nut Tree Boulders > Woodcrest Boulders > Woodcrest Ridge… > Cattle Drive Rock
Warning Access Issue: Hillcrest Parking Issue DetailsDrop down


Cow Tipping is the easiest route that heads up the overhang on the uphill side of Cattle Drive Rock. Find something to get yourself off the ground (which can be tricky), and move yourself up and over the roof.

Almost everything in and around the roof is loose. Losing a hand while pulling the roof requires some good padding and spotting. Losing a foot will probably require some reconstructive facial surgury.


A pad or two is wise for the lower section, once over the roof bring a crew to catch you in case you blow a hand or foot.

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[Hide Photo] 06/04/2017

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[Hide Comment] Cow Tipping is one of the classics out here. It is a sitdown start, and while there is loose rock around the roof, the holds you need are solid. So if you grab something loose, you should look around a bit more!

FA: Not Drunkenmaster / aka Rough Winter 1999 Oct 21, 2004
Kelley Gilleran
Meadow Vista
[Hide Comment] Not R rated. Feb 6, 2014
Jason Armstrong
[Hide Comment] It has been rated V0 too (Thornburg 2015). Was V1 Rough's original grade? Feb 21, 2018
[Hide Comment] I'd agree with V0 from a standing start. If you SD, then V1 is appropriate. I haven't climbed it in a bit, so maybe something broke and got bigger / easier from the SD? Mar 15, 2022
[Hide Comment] You consider this a v0 going from the sit start and straight up the face? If you traverse right and go up the arete immediately I could see 0/1 but going up the face and left felt harder than v1 to me. I was at mortar and did the ramp & sunshine the night before and if those are 4 & 5 it feels pretty sandbagged to call the straight up the face version a 0. Mar 15, 2022