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Cow Tipping
Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),
Avg: 2.2 from 22
FA: Aaron Rough, Winter 1999
> San Francisco B…
> Wine Country/No…
> Nut Tree Boulders
> Woodcrest Boulders
> Woodcrest Ridge…
> Cattle Drive Rock
Access Issue: Hillcrest Parking Issue
Access to Hillcrest Boulders is potentially at risk:
Due to the influx of climbers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the residents of the Hillcrest area have been suffering from substantial parking problems that, if left unchecked, may threaten access to the Vacaville Boulders.
Please utilize the alternative parking options listed under the “Location” sub section in the area description
Cow Tipping is the easiest route that heads up the overhang on the uphill side of Cattle Drive Rock. Find something to get yourself off the ground (which can be tricky), and move yourself up and over the roof.
Almost everything in and around the roof is loose. Losing a hand while pulling the roof requires some good padding and spotting. Losing a foot will probably require some reconstructive facial surgury.
A pad or two is wise for the lower section, once over the roof bring a crew to catch you in case you blow a hand or foot.
FA: Not Drunkenmaster / aka Rough Winter 1999 Oct 21, 2004
Meadow Vista