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Sport, 80 ft (24 m),
Avg: 3.4 from 74
FA: Bob Gaines, Dana Adler, Yvonne Gaines, October 1997
> Joshua Tree NP
> Hidden Valley Area
> Real Hidden Valley
> Tumbling Rainbow Form…
Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures
The Joshua Tree National Park Superintendent's Compendium states that:
1. Vegetation is not allowed to be used as an anchor.
2. Only neutral or rock colored bolt hangers are allowed.
For a complete list of climbing rules and closures visit:…
This is the 10 bolt route left of
Run For Your Life (5.10b). The crux is cranking past the first 2 bolts (somewhat height dependent). After that, climb up and left on sharp edges, then steep face moves and some marginal smearing gets you to the top. Good variety of well protected moves on this one.
10 bolts to 2 bolt rap anchor (80 ft.)
Around Boulder, CO
The cranking crux might be by the second bolt but the toughest part for me was a marginal friction move by the second to last bolt. Mar 6, 2006
Lassitude 33
Some tricky route-finding and difficult moves scattered throughout the climb, but getting past the 2nd bolt is the cruxiest crux... at least if you're short.
I found the moves less fun than those on Run for Your Life. 3 stars for this one and 4 for RFYL. Dec 1, 2013
Carlsbad, Ca