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5.10a, Trad, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 14 votes
FA: Todd Gordon, Margy Floyd & Lisa Guindon, Spring 1993
California > Joshua Tree NP > Indian Cove > Indian Cove Cam… > Indian Cove CG… > Feudal Wall > Feudal Wall (Left Side)
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


The climb starts in a right-curving crack which becomes more of a straight-in crack higher as it dies out. Clip a bolt (crux) and then continue up the frictiony face past two more bolts to the top of the formation. Gear belay and walk/scramble off to the climber's right.

Short and not especially memorable but you could do a whole lot worse while in the vicinity. Two stars out of five.


This is the left-most route on the Feudal Wall and lies immediately left of the creatively named Route 1326 and Coyote In the Bushes. This portion of the rock seems to be less popular which can be nice on those crowded days.


3 bolts, pro to 3 inches

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Top rope w Cliffhangers Guide.  First day of climbing
[Hide Photo] Top rope w Cliffhangers Guide. First day of climbing
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Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] Paper or Plastic? Photo by Blitzo.

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Joe Brophy
San Diego
[Hide Comment] Was glad to climb past 3 bolts on this one. The 1st bolt protects the crux well. Not in the Vogel guide otherwise it might see more traffic. Mar 28, 2011