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5.10c, Trad, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 1.5 from 2 votes
California > Joshua Tree NP > Indian Cove > Rattlesnake Canyon > Valley of Kings > Grand Fuqua
Warning Access Issue: Temporary Closure in effect from April 3 to June 15, 2024 DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


This is a short crack on a sunny, south facing block.


to 3"

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Nice golden sunset lighting during the FA.
[Hide Photo] Nice golden sunset lighting during the FA.
Looking from the base of "The Grand Fuqua" down towards the "Arrowhead."
[Hide Photo] Looking from the base of "The Grand Fuqua" down towards the "Arrowhead."
Yes, the varnish is so.....!
[Hide Photo] Yes, the varnish is so.....!

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] I'm guessing it was a high gravity day on the FA. Dec 8, 2003
David Evans
[Hide Comment] Actually the varnish is the gold/red/brown variety, "The Kind." Dec 9, 2003
[Hide Comment] AJ wearing mythos! An era has ended. Dec 9, 2003