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Bourbon on Ice

5.10d, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 8 votes
FA: Bob Gaines and Yvonne MacPherson, February 1989
California > Joshua Tree NP > Indian Cove > Rattlesnake Canyon > Iceberg Boulder… > Iceberg Boulder
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Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


A balancy mantle and some friction on a sloping shelf around a bulge to get to and past the first bolt are the meat of this climb, after which the difficulties ease and good edges lead past a few more bolts to the top. Definitely a fun route and worth doing if you're in the area.


5/16" buttonheads in good shape except for 2nd bolt which is slightly bent and the rock surround the bolt is mildly cratered - luckily the difficulties are past by the time you clip the 2nd bolt, but it's a good candidate for replacement. Rap from 2 bolts w/ webbing (new as of 3/1/2003).

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Bourbon on Ice
[Hide Photo] Bourbon on Ice
Bourbon on Ice 5.10d. Ashley Gonzales photo
[Hide Photo] Bourbon on Ice 5.10d. Ashley Gonzales photo

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C Miller
[Hide Comment] Decent climbing, but nothing to get excited about - don't go planning your next J. Tree trip around this route! Jan 13, 2004
Anthony Hugo Almanza
Phoenix, AZ
[Hide Comment] Pretty fun and interesting movement and a little off the beaten path compared to the campground area. Webbing is no longer on the anchors, but I left two biners to rap off. Bolts are starting to look like they're in need of replacement. Nov 16, 2015