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5.11a PG13, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 36 votes
FA: Kyle Copeland, Bego Gerhart, July 1989
Utah > Southeast Utah > Potash Rd > Wall Street
Warning Access Issue: RAIN, WET ROCK and RAPTOR CLOSURES: The sandstone around Moab is fragile and is very easily damaged when it is wet. Also please ask and be aware of Raptor Closures in areas such as CAT WALL and RESERVOIR WALL in Indian Creek DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Poop Alert! DetailsDrop down


This is a fine route that can be found between a bushy crack and sandy floored chimney about 50 yards to the right of the Indian drawings on Wallstreet. It doesn't seem to get much traffic, possibly due to the runout to the first pin. If you climb even near the grade the first bit to this pin shouldn't be a problem. The crux is found between the third and fourth pin where a small bulge must be passed with very thin feet and minimal hands.


Five bolts to a 3 point anchor. A .3 BD C4 or Green Alien sized piece can be placed between the 4th & 5th bolts if desired.  

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Sketchy start, great rewards.
[Hide Photo] Sketchy start, great rewards.

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Ben Mackall
Bozeman, MT
[Hide Comment] That first bolt is high but the moves to get to it really aren't that hard. If you are at all comfortable pulling 5.10- (or even 5.9) moves, there is no way that this thing deserves an R rating. PG at the VERY most. May 15, 2015
Joe Stern
Moab, Utah
[Hide Comment] FA: Kyle Copeland, Bego Gerhart, July 1989. Apr 6, 2018
Thibault Charbonnier
Marin County, CA
[Hide Comment] Great climb and happy with this os but wondering what is the deal with having such high first bolts at this crag, even stick clips can't reach them. The moves are fine but the friction really is not, take your time to blow-off the sand in all the edges you come across as you go up, the moves are easy but you risk slipping off a sandy edge. If you ask me all these high first bolts do is enforce some sort of pedantic gatekeeping. "If you can't do the first bolt don't go on it" -> gatekeeping bs. Oct 19, 2023
alex Mankouski
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] I did this route yesterday. My opinion is that if you can't get to the first bolt, then you shouldn't get on the route at all. The start is the easy part of the route by far. Honestly, though I think it should stay that way because it makes the route interesting. There are a lot of other good routes that are well protected. I say we keep this one more sketchy. Nov 13, 2023