All Locations >
> Northwest
> McConnells Mill SP
> Rim Rd Climbing…
> Ross Boulder
> Sit Start (V2 5+)
![Photo of boulder on north end @ McConnels Mill State Park.<br>
1. straight up <br>
2. Fun. start at 1, traverse crack over to nice edge on 3, and continue up.<br>
3. straight up, sit start to make harder<br>
4. difficult sit start](
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Jun 2, 2015
“Photo of boulder on north end @ McConnels Mill State Park.
1. straight up
2. Fun. start at 1, traverse crack over to nice edge on 3, and continue up.
3. straight up, sit start to make harder
4. difficult sit start”
1. straight up
2. Fun. start at 1, traverse crack over to nice edge on 3, and continue up.
3. straight up, sit start to make harder
4. difficult sit start”
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