All Locations >
> Wind River Range
> Deep Lake Area
> Haystack Mountain
> Minor Dihedral (5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a)

ID 112114957 ·
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Steph Abegg
Sep 1, 2016
“The third pitch starts with a tricky slabby traverse right into a scoop. In this photo, the climber is in the scoop. According to the Kelsey topo, the standard belay would be at the ledge to the left of the scoop, which makes the traverse slightly down and right from the belay. But it is also possible the belay might be lower and that the traverse is more up and right. The traverse seemed harder than 5.6, partly because the leader faces a swing back into the corner. It is possible to set a cam high after the traverse to prevent the follower from facing too large of a swing. After the tricky traverse to the scoop, the pitch finishes easily up broken rock.”