All Locations >
> High Sierra
> 09 - Palisades…
> Temple Crag
> Venusian Blind (5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b)
![Temple Crag. The approach for Venusian Blind and Moon Goddess Arete goes up the bottom of the central snowfield and traverses left on the snow-filled ledge below Moon Goddess Arete. From there, the two routes climb third and fourth class slabs, visible as the slabs in sun, to the starts of each respective climb.](
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Michael Schneiter
Mar 9, 2007
“Temple Crag. The approach for Venusian Blind and Moon Goddess Arete goes up the bottom of the central snowfield and traverses left on the snow-filled ledge below Moon Goddess Arete. From there, the two routes climb third and fourth class slabs, visible as the slabs in sun, to the starts of each respective climb.”
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