I have spent the past year or so developing a new area in the city of Houston. The area is owned by Buffalo Bayou Partnership, a nonprofit that manages and develops a bunch of parks around the city, and is designated as a public park. Obviously it isn't real rock, but aggregate concrete walls from an old complex. In terms of safety, it's similar to most bouldering, the highest walls are 15-18 feet, and all have pretty flat dirt or grass landings. It's urban and there is a lot of graffiti, refuse, etc, but (I thought) a very cool spot for the otherwise desolate wasteland of SE Texas with a bunch of featured walls and opportunity for buildering.
I developed and documented 18 good problems and several projects, with opportunity for many more. Recently I brought friends to repeat and put up some more new problems. I spent many hours getting photos, writing descriptions, including important info about the area. 1/1-1/2 I populated the area on MP. I put up the area and individual walls and populated the original 18 problems, put up topo and photos for every single one, even drew a map. Earlier this week I went to upload a new photo and found the entire area was gone. I realize this isn't real rock but I was genuinely excited about the opportunity here for houston climbers, the folks I brought to the area were psyched on it, and I was sad to see it stripped.
I'm not sure whether everything was deleted by an area admin or was somehow lost or flagged on the back end of the site maybe? If it was removed by admin, I don't know why, and didn't receive a message with any rationale or warning. I vetted the legality/access of the area, and don't see any extreme safety or sensitive area type concerns. I have even packed out bags of trash from the area and thought that other climbers could do the same to help out the park. There is another concrete "boulder" on the exact same property that has been listed on the Houston MP as long as I've lived here, and there have been plenty of actually illegal buildering problems on the site for years, including in other cities in Texas.
I messaged two of the area admin this week but haven't heard back yet. I figured rather than bothering every one of them without knowing if they even did this, I would come here. Has anyone else had a similar removal (MP disappearing your stuff on its own or admin deleting without saying anything)? What can I do to try to get stuff back?