Stupid question -- Loose chalk or sock-thing in your chalk bag?
Which one is better? I've tried both and I like loose chalk better, but if I wear my chalk bag while I'm bouldering, sometimes when I fall a bit spills out the back onto the mat... Thoughts? Thanks! |
Many gyms prohibit loose chalk. For a good reason. |
How often do you actually chalk up while you are bouldering (actually on the wall)? Maybe you don't need to wear a chalk bag while bouldering. There is a reason why chalk buckets are a thing that boulderers like. You can chalk up in between climbs, but probably don't need to chalk in mid-bouder problem. And may gyms now have no-chalk-on-the-mats policy these days, so I hardly ever see people wearing the chalk bags while bouldering. You can set your chalkbag on the bench, or the floor, and chalk up right before getting on the wall. |
I found that the chalk sock provides more longevity to your chalk supply because you really don’t need that much chalk on your hands. |
Why not both? |
A section of pantyhose or nylon stocking makes an excellent chalk sock. It'll deliver the goods. |
Another vote for both. A bit of loose in the bottom with a sock on top is the best of both worlds for me. |
I prefer loose, but I keep an empty sock in my bag for chalking holds. What are y'all's thoughts on liquid chalk? |
Eric Metzgar wrote: Loose chalk goes on unevenly and makes a mess. “Real” climbers use a sock ball. |
Lena chita wrote: Lena, we don’t all have skin good enough to go totally chalk free like you :p |
Lena chita wrote: On this note, chalk is obsessively overused by most climbers, especially boulderers. It’s only for keeping the hands dry, it’s not glue! |
I like the chalk ball. I feel it gets the perfect coating on my hands every time. No second guessing. I leave a little extra loose goods in there too if I need to just to get the tips gritty. |
I tried the loose chalk thing 20+ years ago and made quite a mess - so I've used a ball since. To piggyback - does it matter what the sock is made of? Should it be synthetic, or is one of my old gym socks good enough? Thanks. |
Matt B wrote: I sure some dirty bags use an actual sock but the “sock” we are referring to is the sack that the “chalk ball” comes in. |
If you didn’t leave a white stain on the ground/ blue carpet were you even climbing? |
Tradiban wrote: I get that, but I have a bag of loose Friction Labs I'd like to put in a sock/ball. I'm giving my current ball to a buddy starting out. Just asking which is best - cotton or synthetic so I can make my own. |
If the sock ball wasn't so annoying to refill, the sock ball wins. |
Matt B wrote: Sport climbers use cotton. |
Hank Hudley wrote: Huh? Are the holds sweating. |
I unironically really like this thing: Just something to grab onto and keep chalk from spilling out as well |
Ian Bales wrote: I use a literal sock turned inside-out for this purpose. Gets coated in chalk and gives a surface to grab. No need to 'refill', just dump more chalk in the bag. |