I am hoping to pull the lat-long of climbing areas and the number of routes.
In particular I am wanting to build some heatmaps that compare the density of climbing routes to other interesting items.
The first is just comparing it to population but then I want to take a peek at things like climbing gyms vs routes, or any of a number of other interesting demographics.
I was just looking for some cool datasets to explore and since I climb this seemed like a good one.
If the api can't get that info, is a data dump with the valuable content pulled out ok? I figure the data to protect would be route names and descriptions and such. Route counts and lat long seems like it would not be leaking too much.
I don't really want to scrape things since I appreciate the site and want to be a good citizen.
I saw the previous thread about the API, but I doubt this is anywhere high up at all on the MP dev's to-do list. Not to mention the fact that if they open it up to everybody they'll lose ad revenue.
The data seems pretty easy to scrape though. Have you looked into doing that instead? Keep in mind they probably do own the data (I don't recall seeing any open license stuff here) so you really should ask for permission first.