Dr Heath
Dec 3, 2014
Moore, SC
· Joined Jul 2014
· Points: 240
Just looking for input on getting a grigri. I have never used either, just the ATC style but wanting something that I can teach for my son to work with. I would feel more comfortable as a extra layer of protection. I DO NOT WANT TO START ANOTHER THREAD ON PROTECTION THOUGH!!!! What is your thought on the 1 vs 2? Should I even consider a used one, or just simply get a new one? Thanks for your constructive comments!
Jonathan Cunha
Dec 3, 2014
Bolinas, CA
· Joined May 2014
· Points: 63
um..a new GriGri 2 can be had for $75--if it's for safety to protect your son, I wouldn't think twice about just picking one up. I like the ATC as well, but find the GriGri 2 is nice to have too.
Jon Rhoderick
Dec 3, 2014
Redmond, OR
· Joined Jul 2009
· Points: 966
GG2 has a narrower rope slot, works better for thinner ropes and overall it feeds better. Grigri 2 has better ergonomics for Petzl's recommended belay technique. GG1 is bigger, has a bigger slot, and works better on ropes 10.2 or bigger. Used is perfectly fine, grigris are quite durable. I have a 1, and it works great, on a brand new rope there is slippage, but on 90% of ropes it works perfectly. Everyone will say to teach your son to learn with ATC first, and get solid belay technique, and then teach him the grigri.
Max Forbes
Dec 3, 2014
· Joined Jan 2014
· Points: 108
Teach your son to belay on the ATC, once he's confident get the Grigri. Differences are stated above.
Dylan Pike
Dec 3, 2014
Knoxville, TN
· Joined Sep 2013
· Points: 555
I believe that both generations have had manufacturing/engineering defects and recalls have been issued. The second gen is significantly lighter and more compact, so that is something to consider. On the other hand, you can find used first gen models for ~$30, which I think is a great deal. I still use a gen one gri gri occasionally. Just make sure you inspect a used device for wear grooves and other use caused problems.
Leify Guy
Dec 3, 2014
Unknown Hometown
· Joined Jul 2013
· Points: 367
I own and use both the grigri 1 and 2 and can say that they both work about the same, however, when it comes to thicker ropes I prefer the grigri 1... when it comes to my 9.1 I've used both (which is not recommended for the 1) and can say that there was a bit of slippage with the 1, but it still worked fine.
Jason Antin
Dec 3, 2014
Golden, CO
· Joined May 2009
· Points: 1,395
Pretty much comes down to what rope diameter you use! If you often use 8.9-9.5 get a GG2, if you're still using a 10mm or beyond, it can be tough to feed.
David Gibbs
Dec 3, 2014
Ottawa, ON
· Joined Aug 2010
· Points: 2
Personally, I don't like the smaller handle on the Grigri2, especially for lowering heavier climbers. Otherwise, as has been said... mostly a rope-thickness thing.
Dr Heath
Dec 3, 2014
Moore, SC
· Joined Jul 2014
· Points: 240
To add to the story is that I mainly top rope climb with my boys. I use a 9.8 dynamic. My boys are trained on the ATC. They have belayed each other with my supervision and me being a back up belayer. I have not climbed with them belaying me yet and I was looking at he possibility of having them do that and having the Grigio as a tirciary safety method. Compact size isn't a selling point for me. Ease and undertanding the piece of equipment does. Trust me that I am a big believer that you can never over train to be safe. If I am looking for a good used G1 or G2, what should I look out for especially if it is off a forum like MP? Thanks for everyone's input.
Dec 4, 2014
Unknown Hometown
· Joined Sep 2014
· Points: 0
Dr Heath have you looked at video reviews on YouTube? They are pretty informative and done professionally a well. They address the differences between the generations. Honestly the GG2 is much better as it accommodates a larger rope size range, is something like 25% smaller which may be better for younger climbers smaller hands to operate and roughly 20% lighter weight. I believe supertopo gear reviews discuss all this. Check it out. The gg2 goes on sale very often online for 25-20% off.
Dr Heath
Dec 4, 2014
Moore, SC
· Joined Jul 2014
· Points: 240
Thanks for all the great info. I didn't know if the larger GG1 would be better to lever from but I have heard that the GG2 was smoother but smaller. As for the weight difference my sons are 12 (65lbs) & 10. Both have been climbing with me for 2 years but never belayed me, just each other with my backup. I would be tethering the older one off to a ground anchor of course they the belay loop. My local shop has a sale on the GG2 for $79 that I was going to grab. Don't think that they had orange tho. Will it be hard for my 9.8 rope?
Capt. Impatient
Dec 4, 2014
Unknown Hometown
· Joined Jul 2012
· Points: 0
I agree with the learn on an ATC or Figure 8 ( I know people don't use figure 8s that much anymore). But learning the basics is very important. Meaning no assisted braking. That being said. If you are going to get a grigri. Just get the grigri2 it will be eaiser to handle for young climbers because it's smaller. Cheers and happy climbing and be safe.
darrell hodges
Dec 4, 2014
Unknown Hometown
· Joined Feb 2008
· Points: 380
I have both but now prefer the Gri Gri 2 because it fits in my hand better.
Alan Doak
Dec 4, 2014
boulder, co
· Joined Oct 2007
· Points: 120
They're both fine. I slightly prefer the GG1 at the gym, only because I've used it for so many years so it's easier for me to give a silky smooth belay. But, I've gotten used to both.