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How tight should your harness be?

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El Duderino · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2013 · Points: 70

AKA, is this harness too loose? I am a waist size 30, which puts me right on the border of the BD Momentum Small and Medium sizes. The photos here have my harness cinched down all the way. I swear this isn't an attempt to show off my crotch...

Chris Schmidt · · Fruita, CO · Joined Nov 2012 · Points: 0

IMO the only way a harness could be considered too loose is if it could slide over your hip bones and come off in the event that you were flipped upside down in a fall. From the pics that harness does not look even close to too loose.

Comfortably snug above the hip bones is what I shoot for. I'm also right in between sizes (M/L) and wear the L.

Patrick Shyvers · · Fort Collins, CO · Joined Jul 2013 · Points: 10

Your first problem is you need to take off that belt and slide the harness down a bit. It's hard to tell for sure from the picture, but it looks like you got it wrapped around your kidneys!

Leify Guy · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2013 · Points: 367

when I hang on my harness I can fit a full fist in between it and my body... I could go tighter, but this is comfortable for me. I've taken awkward falls that throw me sideways and once nearly upside down and never had a problem.

Leo L. · · Salt Lake City, UT · Joined Sep 2012 · Points: 20

A rule of thumb we use is that if you can stick your hand in between your body and the harness, make a fist, and manage to pull the fist out, then your harness is too loose. The top of your harness should also be within an inch or so of your navel.

Sidebar: your harness is probably the most important part of your climbing equipment, so go in and ask a professional/get assistance with fitting in person over using the internet (actually... do this for basically everything regarding safety in climbing). The trolls come out strong on the internet.

Brian Pisani · · Duluth, Minnesota · Joined Jan 2014 · Points: 30

Grab the harness by the gear loops and try and try to pull it down off your hips. If it can't slide off, it's good to go.

Mike Cara · · Hendersonville, NC · Joined Jul 2014 · Points: 21
Patrick Shyvers wrote:you need to take off that belt and slide the harness down a bit.
When did this become a dating site?
Jeremy Riesberg · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jun 2012 · Points: 5

Here's how I tell if my harness is too loose... It falls off when I rack my gear on it.

hikingdrew · · Los Angeles, CA · Joined Jul 2013 · Points: 38

Hand between belt and stomach but not being able to make a fist is what's recommended. And as mentioned before, the harness is pretty important. Like with the rope, it's a single point of failure so treat it as well as you treat your rope...

doligo · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Sep 2008 · Points: 264

BD makes harnesses for fatties (at least the women's harness run huge!), if you're in doubt got with a small one. The best way to test if your harness is too big is to go and belay a major hangdog session - large harness shifts a lot and ends up digging into your cavities, really painful.

Bill Czajkowski · · Albuquerque, NM · Joined Oct 2008 · Points: 21

I'd get the next smaller size.

Em Cos · · Boulder, CO · Joined Apr 2010 · Points: 5

Assuming the larger isn't too big, if either size would work, go with the larger. Room for layers for cold weather.

20 kN · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2009 · Points: 1,346

That's a bit on the large side, but I would say it's fine.

caribouman1052 · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Nov 2012 · Points: 5

My opinion? Too large. If it's cinched all the way tight, and there is any space at all, it's no longer adjustable. Fall off a roof doing 360's in the sky, and you don't want to have any doubts at all about whether or not you're going to fall out of it.

Jonathan Awerbuch · · Boulder, Colorado · Joined Nov 2013 · Points: 41
caribouman1052 wrote:My opinion? Too large. If it's cinched all the way tight, and there is any space at all, it's no longer adjustable. Fall off a roof doing 360's in the sky, and you don't want to have any doubts at all about whether or not you're going to fall out of it.
I agree with this. If I'm really scared about a lead, I like to be able to cinch it down really I can't breathe. Then I feel safe.
Kevin Mokracek · · Burbank · Joined Apr 2012 · Points: 363

First, a harness should always be sized with no clothes on, after you have taken off any clothes that might impede the sizing process you have to do at least 10 squats in rapid succession. After you do the squats grab an apple, an orange will do too and hold it in your hand, if you can squeeze your hand with the apple, or orange between your waist and the harness it's too loose or maybe the apple or orange is too big, you might have to mess around a bit with the fruit size. You want to just be able to slide your hand and arm in between the harness and your body up to the elbow while holding the fruit. If it's too tight you need to do more squats.

pittman · · flatrock, Newfoundland · Joined Sep 2014 · Points: 5
Kevin Mokracek wrote:First, a harness should always be sized with no clothes on, after you have taken off any clothes that might impede the sizing process you have to do at least 10 squats in rapid succession. After you do the squats grab an apple, an orange will do too and hold it in your hand, if you can squeeze your hand with the apple, or orange between your waist and the harness it's too loose or maybe the apple or orange is too big, you might have to mess around a bit with the fruit size. You want to just be able to slide your hand and arm in between the harness and your body up to the elbow while holding the fruit. If it's too tight you need to do more squats.
Not sure how the people in the sports store will feel about someone doing squats in a harness naked while holding fruit, but guess they are use to it if that's how you properly size a harness.
Kevin Mokracek · · Burbank · Joined Apr 2012 · Points: 363
pittman wrote: Not sure how the people in the sports store will feel about someone doing squats in a harness naked while holding fruit, but guess they are use to it if that's how you properly size a harness.
It's pretty much the standard throughout the industry.
Steven Lee · · El Segundo, CA · Joined Mar 2014 · Points: 385
Kevin Mokracek wrote:First, a harness should always be sized with no clothes on, after you have taken off any clothes that might impede the sizing process you have to do at least 10 squats in rapid succession. After you do the squats grab an apple, an orange will do too and hold it in your hand, if you can squeeze your hand with the apple, or orange between your waist and the harness it's too loose or maybe the apple or orange is too big, you might have to mess around a bit with the fruit size. You want to just be able to slide your hand and arm in between the harness and your body up to the elbow while holding the fruit. If it's too tight you need to do more squats.
Don't forget, you should also do the crucial step of coating your hips and legs vegetable oil or water mixed with dish soap to simulate sweat & sunscreen. Then hang on a pullup bar with the back of your knees. With your arm and fruit of choice inserted between your harness, try to slide the harness off with your other hand. Best done with a spotter.
pittman · · flatrock, Newfoundland · Joined Sep 2014 · Points: 5
Kevin Mokracek wrote: It's pretty much the standard throughout the industry.
Sure it is Kevin, wasn't doubting it, just thought it would be a funny image of a naked climber doing squats in a sport store.
Monica P · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2022 · Points: 0
Steven Lee wrote: First, a harness should always be sized with no clothes on, after you have taken off any clothes that might impede the sizing process you have to do at least 10 squats in rapid succession. After you do the squats grab an apple, an orange will do too and hold it in your hand, if you can squeeze your hand with the apple, or orange between your waist and the harness it's too loose or maybe the apple or orange is too big, you might have to mess around a bit with the fruit size. You want to just be able to slide your hand and arm in between the harness and your body up to the elbow while holding the fruit. If it's too tight you need to do more squats. Don't forget, you should also do the crucial step of coating your hips and legs vegetable oil or water mixed with dish soap to simulate sweat & sunscreen. Then hang on a pullup bar with the back of your knees. With your arm and fruit of choice inserted between your harness, try to slide the harness off with your other hand. Best done with a spotter.

I tried this — it worked great! Not only does my harness fit perfectly, they gave it to me for free!

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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