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Brian Stevens · · Boulder, CO · Joined Apr 2011 · Points: 2,667

I have a fairly new yellow fixe alien, which has never been fallen on and only placed a handful of times. I was climbing this past weekend and hung on this particular piece (it was a perfect placement in a splitter Indian Creek crack). I did not fall, I placed the piece and gently hung on it. The cam worked just fine, nothing happened, I rested and continued on with the rest of the pitch. I lowered and cleaned all my gear, didn't notice anything unusual. As I was racking my gear at the base I noticed that the yellow alien looked a bit strange. Upon further inspection, I noticed that the bolt or whatever it is that holds the lobes on the cam had simply fallen off and/or come unscrewed. With this piece not intact it allows the lobes on that one side to simply slide right off. I've already contacted the place where I bought it and they were very nice and told me to bring it in so that they could warranty it and notify the company.

highaltitudeflatulentexpulsion · · Colorado · Joined Oct 2012 · Points: 35

You're right, it is just a nut. It's rounded so it can't be taken off with a wrench but that's all it is.

It's supposed to have red loctite on it. If it came off without special tool and/or heat, it's totally a manufacturer error.

That's scary. I wonder if they forgot or if it's bad loctite. Is there any residue on the threads or are they totally clean?

Derek Tremblay · · NH · Joined Nov 2010 · Points: 110

Oh boy. Here we go again

bearbreeder · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Mar 2009 · Points: 3,065

Its happened before…

Fixe get your QC act together .... And i do own and use a full set of fixe aliens


Pete Spri · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jun 2009 · Points: 347

Buy them from totem. Better anyway.

teece303 · · Highlands Ranch, CO · Joined Dec 2012 · Points: 596

And here I thought the Aliens QC errors were a thing of the past. Yikes!

Brian Stevens · · Boulder, CO · Joined Apr 2011 · Points: 2,667
nicelegs wrote:Is there any residue on the threads or are they totally clean?
There's a bit of residue on the threads
20 kN · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2009 · Points: 1,346
Pete Spri wrote:Buy them from totem. Better anyway.
x2 Cheaper and better.
Geir · · Tucson/DMR · Joined Jun 2006 · Points: 2,751

Thanks for the heads up. I am surprised the nut came off as it takes a hell of a lot to break loose that thread locker. (I have removed this nut disassembling a couple of CCH aliens.)

NC Rock Climber · · The Oven, AKA Phoenix · Joined Dec 2009 · Points: 60

I have said this before, so I probably sound like a broken record...

Totem's "alien," called the Basic Cam, appears to be much more refined and better made. IMHO, it is not even a contest. I highly recommend Totem's Basic Cam as the way to go in the small cam category.

I hope that the OP will keep us posted on how Fixe responds to this and what they identify as the root cause of the issue.

Brian Stevens · · Boulder, CO · Joined Apr 2011 · Points: 2,667

It's been a while, but just wanted to let anyone interested know that I brought the cam to Neptune Mountaineering (where I purchased it) and they were super quick to give me my money back and send the cam to fixe. I never got word of what happened after that, so this is more just a shout out to Neptune and their quick, helpful service. They were all pretty frightened looking at the cam!

This further solidified my preference for metolius in the finger sized pieces!

Ray Pinpillage · · West Egg · Joined Jul 2010 · Points: 180
NC Rock Climber wrote:I highly recommend Totem's Basic Cam as the way to go in the small cam category.
MP · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Sep 2013 · Points: 2


I'm the climber from the supertopo thread who had the exact same failure on my fixe alien.

Fixe was awesome about warranting it, i was very impressed.

Note that the new generation of Fixe aliens (evolutions I think they are called?) now uses the same method of attaching cam lobes to the axle as Totem uses on their "totem basics." It appears to be both a stronger and slimmer mechanical solution.

best of luck,

Jeff Gicklhorn · · Tucson, AZ · Joined May 2008 · Points: 295

Was just talking to someone in Bishop this last weekend who had this same thing happen on a blue Fixe alien. The cam was less than six months old, and Kevin Daniel's (Owner of FIXE USA, and who lives in Bishop BTW) response to him was simply tough luck, and that all gear has a life expectancy.

I agree, support Totem.

Josh Kornish · · Whitefish, MT · Joined Sep 2009 · Points: 800

I won't even consider purchasing a product from Fixe after hearing how Kevin responds to product issues.

Same thing with Petzl ropes.

The problem isn't really the problem for me. It's how their customer service responds to these issues

Ryan Marsters · · Golden, CO · Joined Jan 2011 · Points: 1,436

Thought I'd tack on to this post as I have a similar experience. Brand new alien purchased a month ago from Neptune.

It has not taken a fall; placed about 3 times. My girlfriend was leading a pitch, got a bit nervous, and bailed. She semi-hung (low angle dihedral - 2nd pitch of Hiatus at Lumpy) on the cam while placing a larger cam to lower off of. I'd estimate partial body weight, about 60 lbs or so, placed gently on the cam.

The trigger wires came out of the brass (?) casing during cleaning - the brass appears crushed as if it had taken a fall. Defect?

bearbreeder · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Mar 2009 · Points: 3,065

One of our local gear shops indicated that some of the new aliens were brought back with broken wires ... There was some manufacturing issue


Ryan Marsters · · Golden, CO · Joined Jan 2011 · Points: 1,436

Neptune said the same - abnormal number of trigger wire issues with the new Aliens. They switched/warrantied out my broken alien with a X4.

Matt Westlake · · Durham, NC · Joined Jul 2009 · Points: 662

Looking at that picture it seems like the wire is broken on diagonal opposite sides. Is it possible that was caused by rotating the trigger wire keeper (or whatever it's called) too far while keeping the cams locked in one position? More or less what the hand is starting to do in that picture... that would seem like a way to get failure with a lower load. Maybe that is obvious/the point of holding the cam that way in the picture.

The old alien and basic appear to have a smaller keeper than that new one. Also how rigid is the connection between the trigger and the keeper?


djh860 · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Dec 2014 · Points: 110

I've dealt with totem on quality control. They are crazy for it . The man said the would retest the Batch my cam came from as they still had some at the plant. When a cam had a loose trigger wire

Marc801 C · · Sandy, Utah · Joined Feb 2014 · Points: 65
claty wrote:I have to say that after the BD recalls for pretty much this same issue (missing rivets) I was wary of using their products and actually switched to Metolious and Fixe to replace some of my cams...
Just to clarify:
1. The BD recall was for improperly finished/peened rivets, not missing rivets.
2. There was a single instance discovered in the factory prior to shipment to any users.

There is no reason to not buy/use BD cams. Just inspect them as you would any other piece of gear from any other manufacturer.
Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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