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New and Experienced Climbers over 50 #33

Emil Briggs · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Sep 2013 · Points: 140
Alan Rubin wrote:

"Biden's war"? What war is that? Ukraine? That's Putin's war--and his alone. Gaza? That is a war started by Hamas and, as they fully anticipated, expanded to a maximum level by Netanyahu and company. "Biden's war'=nonsense!!!!
The election and it's disastrous consequences, was largely the result of economic and 'socio-economic' circumstances, that have been developing over a long period of time--through several Presidencies, resulting in the, inevitable end of US predominance ( too many other emerging centers of power wanting their 'share of the pie' and increasingly able to take it), exacerbated by the effects of the COVID pandemic. The impact of the 'media revolution' and the consequent severe erosion of truth, fact, reality and functional political discourse also has played a significant role in our present predicament. Sure, Biden was far from ideal as President, and the Democrats have make their share of mistakes, including as Apogee describes, a too often extreme stance on DEI issues, but I don't think any President, from either party, would have been able to successfully cope with all these challenges in the current atmosphere. Trump will be no more successful at addressing, let alone reversing these overall trends, but will continue to significantly erode, if not outright destroy, what is left of our democratic institutions and sense ( however fragile it was) of true national unity.

Alan I agree with much of this but want to focus on a specific issue that is driving much of it. Namely extreme concentrations of wealth. They're poison to a democracy and levels in the US are at mind blowing levels right now.  You know things are badly broken when someone like Musk could give each member of the Senate a billion dollars and still be the richest man in the world.

Nick Goldsmith · · NEK · Joined Aug 2009 · Points: 460

I agree that we are doomed because of who we elected president and the fact that enough people in this country thought that was a good idea.  

I try to focus on the day to day.  its been a real winter . I got around to digging Blue Bessie out and pushing back Isa's snowbanks so her plow guy will be able to maneuver in there. 

Trying  to give the plow guy a hint by back dragging in front of the garage. 

our town plows everyone  for free. Its contracted to local plow guys and comes out of our property tax.  They do a pretty rudimentary job but its a still a great service.  For some reason I never got on the list so I plow my own with my old dump truck.. Life in the NEK

Brandt Allen · · Joshua Tree, Cal · Joined Jan 2004 · Points: 210
Nick Goldsmith wrote:

I try to focus on the day to day. 

At the risk of being accused of burying my head in the sand, that's what I'm doing.

Here's what I did yesterday:

Jay Goodwin · · OR-NV-CA · Joined May 2016 · Points: 13

Brandt, what route is that? Looks fun!

Li Hu · · Different places · Joined Jul 2022 · Points: 55
Nick Goldsmith wrote:

I agree that we are doomed because of who we elected president and the fact that enough people in this country thought that was a good idea.  

Don’t forget, you max out paying FICA at 176,000 now. That’s basically the lowest level you can earn and be fully taxed with a 14% some of us won’t get back.

What’s happening in USA is terrible, but the hit on our allies is even worse. BOE is attempting to stimulate the economy in UK, Japan has the lowest exchange rates in half a century, Germany is in terrible shape and France is in a deep recession.

Hopefully, that’ll change?

And, yes, the gap between wealthy and poor is widening, and the definition of getting by is at a staggering 200,000 USD per family in CA.

Li Hu · · Different places · Joined Jul 2022 · Points: 55
Todd Berlier wrote:

Typical week for me:

Sun: Long run of 6 to 7 miles in the AM; lift PM

Mon: short 3 mile recovery run

Tues: climb

Wed: lift

Thurs: run 4 miles AM; climb PM 

Fri: run 3

Sat: climb PM 

Love reading about more relaxed schedules…

8:00 to 18:00, I’m working, every other day go to the climbing gym for two to three hours. Sleep in on weekends. Work, eat and exercise.

apogee · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Nov 2009 · Points: 0



Bob Gaines · · Joshua Tree, CA · Joined Dec 2001 · Points: 7,808
Jay Goodwin wrote:

Brandt, what route is that? Looks fun!

Coarse and Juggy

M M · · Maine · Joined Oct 2020 · Points: 2

My life is so hard too Todd. Thanks a lot Obama!

Buck Rogers · · West Point, NY · Joined Nov 2018 · Points: 240
Todd Berlier wrote:

Damn dude, the hardest part of my entire life right now is staying out of the political discussions!!!

Edit: ok, I failed:

Love it!

As for your "road to health" outlined here:

"Lost 8lbs. Wanna cut 8 more. Aiming for 145"

If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you?

I'm 5.10 and would love to get down to low 160's but I've around 8 pounds to go!

I also run or ride my indoor trainer 3-4 days a week, do core every day, climb once to twice per week, do Taekwondo twice a week, and hike once a week (as well as work as a full-time surgeon with two kiddos still at home!).

Lot's of very early morning, or late at night working out!

T Hocking · · Redding CA. · Joined Dec 2012 · Points: 210
C Miller wrote:

12d at 70, Proud effort Ian!

Ward Smith · · Wendell MA · Joined Oct 2020 · Points: 26

Great video.  My goal in my 30’s was to climb 5.14a before I turned 40, which I did, and to still be climbing 5.13 at age 70.  I have six years to go.  We will see, but I am optimistic, although anything can happen.

Jay Goodwin · · OR-NV-CA · Joined May 2016 · Points: 13

Thanks, Bob, for route ID.

Nick Goldsmith · · NEK · Joined Aug 2009 · Points: 460

 got Red Bessie started up and plowed again today.. 

been driving up the pass and skinning a fair bit

this is what Vermont back country skiing looks like. We call it Bark eating.

still training biathlon every day. getting worse instead of better... 

breaking the snowshoe trail today was arduous... 

 Isa caught the flue just when she was almost recovered from her bout with pneumonia.  I made a big pot of  chicken stew. made it with a whole chicken.  brought Isa a pot of that goodness and hope it helps. 

Carl Schneider · · Mount Torrens, South Australia · Joined Dec 2017 · Points: 0
Todd Berlier wrote:

Typical week for me:

Sun: Long run of 6 to 7 miles in the AM; lift PM

Mon: short 3 mile recovery run

Tues: climb

Wed: lift

Thurs: run 4 miles AM; climb PM 

Fri: run 3

Sat: climb PM 

Wow. No rest days? 

Idaho Bob · · McCall, ID · Joined Apr 2013 · Points: 757
Nick Goldsmith wrote:

this is what Vermont back country skiing looks like. We call it Bark eating.

When we back country ski the term is Ski Good or Eat Wood.  

tom donnelly · · san diego · Joined Aug 2002 · Points: 389
Emil Briggs wrote:

Alan I agree with much of this but want to focus on a specific issue that is driving much of it. Namely extreme concentrations of wealth. They're poison to a democracy and levels in the US are at mind blowing levels right now.  You know things are badly broken when someone like Musk could give each member of the Senate a billion dollars and still be the richest man in the world.

Stunningly the republican 1% have managed to claim that the wealth inequity problem is due to the dems.  When it is largely due to republican actions such as tax cuts for the rich, lack of antitrust control (until Biden), stacking the extreme court to allow bribing of government, etc.

The top preventable failure of Biden was to fail to control the border for much of his term.

Jan Mc · · CA · Joined Aug 2013 · Points: 0

Weird to see a film like that about someone 70 years old climbing 5.12.  I have several friends in their mid to late 70s doing that here in Cali and most others don't think much about it.  Some are still flashing 5.12 sport routes.  I did enjoy the film and he does look fit but still...

At the same time, you never know when it will all come crashing down on you.  I was climbing quite hard into my mid 60s and then the elbows, shoulders and knees all went to shit at about the same time.  So much for climbing hard in my 70s.  Ah well, life goes on.

Colden Dark · · Fairbanks · Joined Apr 2023 · Points: 0

Great pics, Nick. The skinning around Fairbanks looks promising. Low consequence, low angle, meadow hopping. Murphy Dome this evening:

GabeO · · Boston, MA · Joined May 2006 · Points: 302
Colden Dark wrote:

Great pics, Nick. The skinning around Fairbanks looks promising. Low consequence, low angle, meadow hopping. Murphy Dome this evening:

I've never done any real back country skiing but that looks amazing. 

I'm still going to the gym for my once a week session, but with Mushroom Planet (my main project) out of reach for a few months, and feeling burned out on training with no objective, I'm feeling unmotivated. I may just do a few laps and then hit the weight room and focus on building general fitness/strength, and give the fingers a break for a month or two. 


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