Belay Jacket, Over mitts, Z4s, WC #3, Ferossi, Pretty Pink Wool Jersey, Jcrew pants, La Sportiva Shirt, Gloves, Hammock, Touring Bike! 25.5 AT Boots, Carabiners, Nuts, FREE Stuff. $5 stuff
- Do not use PayPal "gift" payments, wire transfers, Western Union, etc.
- Use PayPal credit card payments, or other systems that protect you from fraud.
Thanks y'all. Sold items updated and some price drops! |
bump. make me an offer |
prices dropped |
Pm sent for down booties |
Price drops and ttems updated! Thanks for helping me clean out my closet everyone! |
Guys I'm moving and need to get rid of this stuff! Prices are low to help it move! All gear is in really good shape and I don't have room for it! |
Selling like hot cakes! Thanks for the continued support! Come snag a deal! |
PMd!!! |
New Stuff! Keep it coming. |
Interested in the Kong draw, but PM isn't working for me - Captcha issue? I tried both mobile and laptop... |
M Fazio wrote: Matt, the Kong sold right away. Thanks for your interest. |
MORE new stuff. Baselayers, Microcams, Ascender, Lockers, etc. |
Price drops. Hotcakes for everyone. Win-win prices! Thanks everybody! |
Yesterday's purchases all shipping out today. I'll be gone for the weekend and additional purchases will ship Monday or Tuesday. Thanks y'all. |
Added a bike for the crossover crowd |
Cams and ball nuts added. Price drops on other items! Happy Thanksgiving! |
Hey I'll take those berry biners please. PMing now. |
pmd for ballnuts |
PM'd you re: WC #4 cam |
Screw, baggies, petzl torse added. Price drops elsewhere. Make me an offer on the two jackets! |