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Spoiler: Post discloses the winners of Hachioji 2023 Boulder World Cup

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John RB · · Boulder, CO · Joined Oct 2016 · Points: 194

I realize very few people here care much about comp climbing, but I have to say it was SO nice to see Brooke win the opening IFSC Bouldering World Cup yesterday.

Brooke is the daughter of several-time world champion and world cup winner Robyn Erbesfield-Raboutou.  Brooke's movement style is incredibly beautiful to watch and something I try (and fail) to emulate when I climb.  She has been climbing since age 4 (or so) and competing her entire life.  Saturday was her 46th IFSC comp I think, and she's gotten bronze and silver medals before as well as competed in the Olympics, but yesterday was her first gold.  She absolutely broke down when she realized she'd won the comp, and rightfully so.  After living in the shadow of your family's accomplishments, and after training so hard for so long, it's got to feel good.

Natalia didn't make finals, which is sort of surprising, but she's been struggling with health issues for almost a year and obviously wasn't feeling great (unlike last year where she won every Bouldering World Cup except the one where Janja showed up).  Hope she starts to feel better soon.

Finally, it was hard to watch German athlete Hannah Meul (who took the silver) holding up Christoph Schweiger's name tag on the podium.  Christoph was a member of the German men's team and was killed two weeks ago by a drunk driver while walking with his girlfriend to get ice cream.

Aaron Liebling · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jun 2010 · Points: 952

Can you please NOT post spoilers in a post title? Please remove this post and repost with a different title of you cannot edit.

Tim Bratten · · Balcarce, AR · Joined May 2017 · Points: 4,391
Aaron Liebling wrote:

Can you please NOT post spoilers in a post title? Please remove this post and repost with a different title of you cannot edit.

Ha! Since when does talking about the outcome of sporting events that have already been decided a day ago count as spoiling? UHHH Nobody can can talk about who won the Super Bowl yesterday because they'll spoil it for me!

Andy Shoemaker · · Bremerton WA · Joined Jul 2014 · Points: 70
Tim Bratten wrote:

Ha! Since when does talking about the outcome of sporting events that have already been decided a day ago count as spoiling? UHHH Nobody can can talk about who won the Super Bowl yesterday because they'll spoil it for me!

You literally just defined what a spoiler warning is. It's just a request for common courtesy.  Everyone who watched live or already knows the results would see a title without a spoiler and still have an idea of what the thread is about.  And everyone who didn't get to watch live because they work weekends can avoid the spoiler and watch the the replay a few days later.  

No one has a right to no spoilers, but its a simple courtesy.

So stoked for Brooke coming out on top and to see the rest of the athletes that get to compete on the world stage.  Would have been nice to have a few less jumpy boulders.  More crack bouldering in WCs!

Jeff G · · Colorado · Joined Feb 2006 · Points: 1,108

Thanks for the spoiler.  Sucks you put it right in the title.  Was just getting ready to watch.

Eric Metzgar · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Nov 2021 · Points: 0

Yeah super fun to watch her win!

Princess Puppy Lovr · · Rent-n, WA · Joined Jun 2018 · Points: 1,756

Yeah it’s April 2023, how do you know Brooke even makes the soccer team let alone wins?

John RB · · Boulder, CO · Joined Oct 2016 · Points: 194

Uhh, sorry for the spoiler.  I usually avoid climbing-related forums, social media, etc., if I'm trying to avoid spoilers.  I mean Brooke herself posted on Instagram within an hour of winning... are you guys gonna go chew her out?  I mean how dare she not wait a week to talk about this?

Anyway, I'll try and edit the title if I can since people are twisted about it. 

Once again, apologies.

Andy Shoemaker · · Bremerton WA · Joined Jul 2014 · Points: 70
John RB wrote:

Uhh, sorry for the spoiler.  I usually avoid climbing-related forums, social media, etc., if I'm trying to avoid spoilers.  I mean Brooke herself posted on Instagram within an hour of winning... are you guys gonna go chew her out?  I mean how dare she not wait a week to talk about this?

Anyway, I'll try and edit the title if I can since people are twisted about it. 

Once again, apologies.

Many thank you's for being reasonable instead of digging heels.  No need for apologies, its about as insignificant of a complaint as they come.  I at least wasn't attempting to chew you out.  It's just an easy thing to avoid and let people decide for themselves if they want the information.  IFSC's IG did the exact same thing, posted like 2 hours after the comp with the results as the main image.  It's harder and harder these days to be a social media hermit any time you want the joy of watching an event after the fact and still have the fun experience.  On my algorithm at least, if I log on to my business IG I still get the occasional climbing post "suggested".  So I either get to not use social media for marketing or I get to risk spoilers.  Again, an extremely minor inconvenience to be bothered by about on my part.

Can't wait to see Brooke dominate the rest of the season. Until Janja is back at it at least. Hahaha  She must be floating on clouds right now after investing so many hours into training and competing to finally have the top spot on the podium.  Motivating.

Weese Ritherspoon · · New Orleans, LA · Joined Apr 2023 · Points: 0

After living in the shadow of your family's accomplishments

LOL only when your actual bro is casually one of the best climbers in the world can someone like Brooke seem like an underdog

John RB · · Boulder, CO · Joined Oct 2016 · Points: 194
Weese Ritherspoon wrote:

LOL only when your actual bro is casually one of the best climbers in the world can someone like Brooke seem like an underdog

Imagine growing up in a house where the walls are lined with medals and trophies from comp climbing, including a few world championships.  Your parents start a climbing gym and produce climbers like Colin Duffy and Natalia Grossman(*) and Margo Hayes.  Colin becomes the first male in IFSC history to win a bouldering and lead comp in the same event.  Natalia wins virtually every bouldering World Cup in a season.  Margo becomes the first woman to climb 5.15.  Then your brother, who helps start a bouldering video company, starts putting up V17s.

You, on the other hand, are most well-known for standing in bolt holes.  You constantly come close to winning a World Cup, but keep getting shut down by a reachy move or an anti-style boulder.

Anyway, I'm so so happy for Brooke after all these years to see a gold medal.  It's well deserved and long overdue.  I hope it's the first of many.

 (Photo credit: Robyn's instagram)

(*) Natalia didn't grow up at ABC, but spent some time there training after moving from Texas and before going to SLC.

Weese Ritherspoon · · New Orleans, LA · Joined Apr 2023 · Points: 0

Brooke has enjoyed a life of privilege and every single advantage being groomed towards becoming an elite climber that's literally possible - all starting at a very young age. How many comp kids flashing your project are called, "prodigies" - how many are by their parents who double as their public relation managers who triple as their coach, who quadruple as probably one of the most incredible of lubricants in career advancing and door opening? 

It's great she won a WC, chapeau, but one couldn't have been standing on a higher ladder to make a slam dunk. 

John RB · · Boulder, CO · Joined Oct 2016 · Points: 194

I never said Brooke was self-made or oppressed or "overcame all the odds".  I just I'm glad she won given all the pressure she must have felt and how long she'd been trying win.

It's not the greatest story of our time.  It's not even that surprising.  I just posted this thread because I was happy for her.

Todd Berlier · · Sacramento, CA · Joined Feb 2018 · Points: 553

just got back from a kids bday party. who tf has birthday parties in sacramento when the Kings are in the playoffs for the first time in 17 years.  17 years! So, of course, i recorded it and planned to watch it. i had never met any of the parents, but b4 i could be introduced, I said, "Hey, im a huge Kings fan and im recording the game, so could you please not talk about it and don't even look it up on your phone, ill know. ill be watching you." then some asshole who must of slipped by me comes in during the happy birthday singing and i overhear him say the Kings lost.  well, i of course lost it. anyway im out on bail now.

good job Brooke! 

Tal M · · Denver, CO · Joined Dec 2018 · Points: 3,153

Unrelated to the OP - did anyone watch men’s semi finals? Holy hell what a blood bath, absolutely brutal

grug g · · SLC · Joined Jul 2022 · Points: 0
Weese Ritherspoon wrote:

Brooke has enjoyed a life of privilege and every single advantage being groomed towards becoming an elite climber that's literally possible - all starting at a very young age. How many comp kids flashing your project are called, "prodigies" - how many are by their parents who double as their public relation managers who triple as their coach, who quadruple as probably one of the most incredible of lubricants in career advancing and door opening? 

It's great she won a WC, chapeau, but one couldn't have been standing on a higher ladder to make a slam dunk. 

What a sad take. Jealous hater alert!

Princess Puppy Lovr · · Rent-n, WA · Joined Jun 2018 · Points: 1,756
Todd Berlier wrote:

just got back from a kids bday party. who tf has birthday parties in sacramento when the Kings are in the playoffs for the first time in 17 years.  17 years! So, of course, i recorded it and planned to watch it. i had never met any of the parents, but b4 i could be introduced, I said, "Hey, im a huge Kings fan and im recording the game, so could you please not talk about it and don't even look it up on your phone, ill know. ill be watching you." then some asshole who must of slipped by me comes in during the happy birthday singing and i overhear him say the Kings lost.  well, i of course lost it. anyway im out on bail now.

good job Brooke! 

This is maybe your best comment ever. I’m pretty sure this is a true story about jcm, sounds like him to me.

David Miles · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jan 2018 · Points: 191

Go Brooke!!!!!!

Andy Shoemaker · · Bremerton WA · Joined Jul 2014 · Points: 70
It's great she won a WC, chapeau, but one couldn't have been standing on a higher ladder to make a slam dunk. 

I don't know why she didn't just get it done 10 years ago when she was in middle school.  She could be doing something actually impressive by now.

You really made an account just to belittle one of the only female Americans to win a WC outside the US?  Color me impressed.

Wonder what was up with the US men.  Duffy down in 27th, SB barely cracked the top 50.  Team Japan and Team France didn't leave many spots in the top 20 up for grabs might be the simplest reason we didn't see any American men in the Semi's and beyond.

JCM · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jun 2008 · Points: 115
Princess Puppy Lovr wrote:

This is maybe your best comment ever. I’m pretty sure this is a true story about jcm, sounds like him to me.

Ironically, I didn't know the Kings lost until reading Todd's post here. 

Todd Berlier · · Sacramento, CA · Joined Feb 2018 · Points: 553
JCM wrote:

Ironically, I didn't know the Kings lost until reading Todd's post here. 


(warning: very intentional thread drift coming)

things seem to be melting fast in tahoe, been up yet? i havent but probably going to check it out this weekend. pretty sure gated roads are closed until may 1st this year.

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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