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Farmhouse temps during the summer?

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Adam R · · Southwest mostly · Joined Jun 2020 · Points: 0

How's the bowling alley in the summer?

Jon.R · · Tucson, AZ · Joined Jun 2014 · Points: 421

It gets good shade if that's what you're asking. Check the forecast for Sierra Vista and assume it will feel ~5ish degrees cooler at the crag.

Nick Henscheid · · Tucson, AZ · Joined Feb 2013 · Points: 615

During the summer of 2020 when Lemmon was on fire, the Farmhouse saw a lot of action, including some hard sends at the Bowling alley.  It's not ideal but if it's under 100 in Tucson it's definitely tolerable - I've found it's about a 15 degree difference and you're in the shade.  The hike will be miserable unless you're on the trail by 7am, but then you have less shade at the crag.  So either hike early and hide from the sun until ~10am or wait and suffer a hot hike but be in full shade.  Enjoy!

Kemper Brightman · · The Old Pueblo, AZ · Joined Dec 2011 · Points: 2,986

Ideal, no. Climbable, certainly. Monsoons can bring pretty amazing temperature swings, but they come at the cost of humidity. Spent dozens of days out there and the Dry and both are totally doable mid summer. The Dry even gets better shade in the summer if you can believe that. The hike is really what sucks. My beta was always bringing an extra shirt and bandana and leave it soaking in water in the cooler. Put it on for the hike up, and you'll be dry by the time you get there. 

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

Arizona & New Mexico
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