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Building 7mm accessory cord top-rope anchors off trees etc?

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CVRIV · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2015 · Points: 0

Ive researched this topic and found nothing but anchoring via bolts. My question is to everyone here: Is it safe to use 7mm accessory cord to anchor off some trees 10 to 20 feet from the edge? 

Ive seen some people do it and always thought it was a bit sketchy, but I'm just curious what everyone thinks about it? I usually carry a massive amount of 11.5mm static rope, which is overkill, but when I first bought it years and years ago, it made me feel better or safer. After having climbed several years now, id like to down size the amount of anchoring gear I bring.

I just want to know if building an equalized anchor with two 20ft 7mm cords is sketchy.


Hangdog Steve · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2020 · Points: 0

It is possible to build a safe top rope anchor off of trees using 7mm accessory cord.

If you're not absolutely sure how to build a safe anchor, don't try to build one for yourself or for others.

Bear in mind that 7mm cord is far less resistant to abrasion and cutting than your 11.5mm beast of a rope. Also take note of the cord's strength rating.

An alternative is to get some static rope with a smaller diameter. I use 9mm Sterling HTP. It is relatively light, and very abrasion resistant.

Lastly, avoid using trees for anchors if possible. It is not good for the trees. Also, if a tree is not strong enough on its own, don't count on equalization to make it any stronger. Only build anchors on trees that are unquestionably strong, alive, and well-rooted.

Gunkiemike · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2009 · Points: 3,582

I'm a 9mm static rope kind of guy. But 7mm shouldn't kill anyone if it's done right. Pad anything even slightly sharp and make sure that failure of any single strand doesn't fail the whole thing (esp. the powerpoint end, which is more likely to chafe up and down).

CVRIV · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2015 · Points: 0

So I use old fire hose with the large diameter static rope around trees and against rocks. Id do the same with the smaller diameter cord. I was even thinking about passing the smaller cord through some tubular webbing as an extra sheath, because the fire hose is pretty wide and heavy itself. I was thinking that mayne id go with 8mm cord, but I've seen people using 7mm, which blows my mind because its so small. Lol. I'm completely confident with my anchor building, its just trying to figure out whether ibwant to sit on two legs of 7mm. Maybe I'll do a minimum of 8mm. 

rocknice2 · · Montreal, QC · Joined Nov 2006 · Points: 3,847

While the 7mm cord is strong enough to TR off of. At that length you'll get a ton of stretch, especially using single legs.

Get yourself 50' of 9mm static.

Don't go from overkill to underkill.

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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