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Boulder Podiatrist Recommendations that aren't Boulder Valley

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Sean C · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2018 · Points: 0

Hey everyone,

In need of a podiatrist consult (big toe joint/MTP soreness), and I see everyone and their mother is recommending Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle Clinic. I would love to go see them as they sound amazing, but they are out of network with my insurance. I'm a little doubtful I can just suck it up/foot the bill and see them anyway, so does anyone have any recommendations besides Boulder Valley?

Sean C · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2018 · Points: 0

Bump. Just trying not to waste money at a podiatrist that tells me "you should stop climbing" and refuses to consider anything else.

Sean C · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2018 · Points: 0

Bump it up

mountainhick · · Black Hawk, CO · Joined Mar 2009 · Points: 120

I saw Dr Mark Birmingham who came well recommended, he diagnosed my MTP as arthritis with hallux limitus but he didn't think my problem was serious enough for any treatment except rest, cold therapy, anti-inflammatories and shoe inserts. While  I wasn't really satisfied with Dr. Brimingham's outlook, he certainly did not really understand climber's concerns, essentially he was right...

I coped. I couldn't take prescription or OTC Nsaids, so pursed an herb/supplement concoction that actually helped. Unfortunately I can't take that now due to interactions with a drug I've been prescribed for something else. I am also not currently able to climb, and Inflammation has returned with just walking. So herbal and supplement anti inflammatory at least held off inflammation and the need for surgery for a couple years. Plus, having shoes modded resoled with midsole inserts, and finding new models that are stiffer/more supportive, and being a bit more choosy about climbing routes. I can't tolerate slab climbing any more. And I found altra and topo wide forefoot shoes really help for daily wear.

I also went to Dr Haytmanek with Steadman in Frisco who took my passion for rock climbing more seriously, diagnosed as hallux rigidus and offered cheilectomy. I think you may understand my reason to try all the other things prior to surgery.

Do a search on hallux rigidus on this forum. There's been quite a lot of discussion about this, including toe spacers, and exercises that can help.

Sean C · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2018 · Points: 0
mountainhick wrote: I saw Dr Mark Birmingham who came well recommended, he diagnosed my MTP as arthritis with hallux limitus but he didn't think my problem was serious enough for any treatment except rest, cold therapy, anti-inflammatories and shoe inserts. While  I wasn't really satisfied with Dr. Brimingham's outlook, he certainly did not really understand climber's concerns, essentially he was right...

I coped. I couldn't take prescription or OTC Nsaids, so pursed an herb/supplement concoction that actually helped. Unfortunately I can't take that now due to interactions with a drug I've been prescribed for something else. I am also not currently able to climb, and Inflammation has returned with just walking. So herbal and supplement anti inflammatory at least held off inflammation and the need for surgery for a couple years. Plus, having shoes modded resoled with midsole inserts, and finding new models that are stiffer/more supportive, and being a bit more choosy about climbing routes. I can't tolerate slab climbing any more. And I found altra and topo wide forefoot shoes really help for daily wear.

I also went to Dr Haytmanek with Steadman in Frisco who took my passion for rock climbing more seriously, diagnosed as hallux rigidus and offered cheilectomy. I think you may understand my reason to try all the other things prior to surgery.

Do a search on hallux rigidus on this forum. There's been quite a lot of discussion about this, including toe spacers, and exercises that can help.

Thanks a bunch for the info! I may have found a podiatrist that is a climber, Dr Gradisek. Hopefully I can get in contact with their office and get an appointment. Yeah, I completely understand avoiding surgery if at all possible. I actually just got some spacers in and have been wearing them over the past couple of weeks. They're the silicone kind that you can wear when you're doing physical activity, but unfortunately I can't fit them in my climbing shoes.Still seems to have helped some. Plus, I've been more conscious about my toe and stretching it, etc. 

Out of curiosity, what herb/supplement concoction were you taking?

mountainhick · · Black Hawk, CO · Joined Mar 2009 · Points: 120

Please let us know how Dr Gradisek works out.

Sean C wrote:

Out of curiosity, what herb/supplement concoction were you taking?

I bought in bulk and mixed based on general dosing recommendations to keep under levels of toxicity. I also had regular liver and kidney blood tests. And, note there is also a blood thinning/bleeding risk with some of these.

Curcumin with piperine

I'd take the mix blended into soymilk with a little milk frother:

Also was on fish oil.
mountainhick · · Black Hawk, CO · Joined Mar 2009 · Points: 120
Dana Bartlett wrote: Christina and Yvonne Weber in Boulder treat a lot of athletes.  

Er, Are they not Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle and already ruled out in the first post?

A Potter · · Bishop, CA · Joined Feb 2017 · Points: 0

If you can't find anybody local, try a remote consultation with NW Foot and Ankle. They treat athletes in Oregon and use an effective, natural-minded approach.

Sean C · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2018 · Points: 0
mountainhick wrote: Please let us know how Dr Gradisek works out.

I bought in bulk and mixed based on general dosing recommendations to keep under levels of toxicity. I also had regular liver and kidney blood tests. And, note there is also a blood thinning/bleeding risk with some of these.

Curcumin with piperine

I'd take the mix blended into soymilk with a little milk frother:

Also was on fish oil.

Yeah, I'll definitely update this with my experience with Dr. Gadisek. I've got an appointment next week. Thanks for the heads up on the fish oil. I'll stay away from that concoction; I'm not getting regular kidney/blood/liver tests, ha!

Sean C · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2018 · Points: 0
mountainhick wrote: Please let us know how Dr Gradisek works out.

I had my appointment with Dr Gradisek this morning. He seemed a little rushed but I think that's because they were down an assistant or something. Anyway, he seems pretty knowledgeable. He listened to my complaint history and then suggested that we do an xray. I've formed a bunion. and it's dislocated by about 25% (his guesstimate). He recommended that I just basically manage it as best as possible through stiff shoes and toe spacers, etc. Basically experiment and see what works. He also seemed confident that surgery wouldn't be an issue if a need ever arose. He did also mention that he's basically able to make a million different kinds of orthotics if the need ever arose.

I don't really have a base of comparison but he seems pretty legit.
Chad Miller · · Grand Junction, CO · Joined Nov 2006 · Points: 150
mountainhick wrote:

Er, Are they not Boulder Valley Foot and Ankle and already ruled out in the first post?

She is really good though. 

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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