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Carderock needs an administrator and the REI folks won't let it happen.

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Tim M · · none · Joined Sep 2008 · Points: 293

If you have visited the Carderock MD page at all you might notice the routes are not organized. This is the most popular crag in Maryland. I have reached out, and I know others have as well, in effort to get this fixed and give the page its due justice. I am hoping to get the attention of someone who can actually help rather than Amber and Kristin from REI who really seem to care less and only offered redundant, patronizing, cut and paste responses. Anyone have suggestions, or know who the real go to person is? Well, hopefully this thread works.

Lone Pine · · Unknown Hometown · Joined May 2014 · Points: 0
Mike Mu. wrote: To anyone visiting carderock—if you cannot find a route there or want some beta just ask one of the 8.7 million people climbing at carderock on whatever day you are there and the spray will come at you in volume matching the flow of the Potomac at great falls. Never seen so many people in one place that want to spray about the hardest 5.3 they’ve ever seen.

 As far as the page goes tell frances

What’s wrong with wanting to have an area properly organized. If anything, you’re the one spraying around stupid shit

Peter BrownWhale · · Randallstown, MD · Joined Aug 2014 · Points: 21

Maybe they purposefully are leaving the section shitty to match both the quality of the climbing and the attitude of the regulars that climb there?

Bryan K · · Las Vegas, NV · Joined Jul 2016 · Points: 648
Gee Dubble wrote: Outlook Rocks is stacked ! (?>€)

Carderock is historic and important.

It would be very easy to make MP Carderock reflect this.

The rock is Shist, like Rumney NH, Camonix Valley, and Wanaka, New Zealand among other places. 

Carderock lines the bank of the wild, Potomac River. An important River with many islands ringed in small cliffs and world renowned white water. The forest around the rocks is mature and healthy. A productive ecosystem for earlier natives. The area is now protected as a National Park. It is real nice.

Even with the jet noise, south aspect, busy, sandbagged, low grade routes, every climber should go there.

Lol.  I would never recommend for someone to make a trip to the DMV to climb at carderock unless they were visiting for another reason and wanted to do some climbing.  None of the climbing areas in the DC metro region are destination areas.  They're good local crags that build good technique and have neat history, but that's about it.  I moved from NOVA to Vegas to for a reason.

Tim M · · none · Joined Sep 2008 · Points: 293

Yeah, Carderock is not exactly a destination crag. That doesn’t mean it isn’t important to the local community. The point isn’t to lure out-of-towners. The point is to have a well maintained  page with up-to-date information. The crag gets hammered. As rock climbing continues to become more popular, and it does, little details like a well maintained information resource for an over used area are needed to ensure future access.

I have reached out to Frances. That dude is the only admin for the greater Carderock area, as well as admin for veedavoo and some international places. I doubt carderock is the top of his list of concerns.

Why is there only one admin for the area?  I’ve offered my time, my admin experience, and my knowledge. I’m not the most qualified, someone could should step up. I hope. REI won’t let me manage the page.

Robert S · · Driftwood, TX · Joined Sep 2018 · Points: 661

The routes appear to be in the correct order, but everything is inexplicably under Outlook Rocks when the routes posted are at Outlook Rocks, Jungle Cliff, Hades Heights, Easter Egg Rocks, and Jam Box. Locals who own the guidebook aren't affected by this, but anyone visiting from outside the area may get really confused, especially where the route pages lack pics. No, it's not a world-class crag, but there's a lot of history there and it's a shame to see what a mess the page is right now.

Tim M · · none · Joined Sep 2008 · Points: 293

Yes, and compacted with all the newer folks coming out every day, it sure would be helpful to have a more informative description of the place. Some info on the local ethics and history. Keep some folks from ending up on John Gregory’s dumbass anchors blog. 

Hamish Hamish · · Fredericksburg, VA · Joined May 2017 · Points: 15
Robert S wrote: The routes appear to be in the correct order, but everything is inexplicably under Outlook Rocks when the routes posted are at Outlook Rocks, Jungle Cliff, Hades Heights, Easter Egg Rocks, and Jam Box. Locals who own the guidebook aren't affected by this, but anyone visiting from outside the area may get really confused, especially where the route pages lack pics. No, it's not a world-class crag, but there's a lot of history there and it's a shame to see what a mess the page is right now.

Which guidebook?  The Falcon MD/VA or some other one??

Chalk in the Wind · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Aug 2014 · Points: 3
Hamish Hamish wrote:

Which guidebook?  The Falcon MD/VA or some other one??

The PATC guide, I think.

Robert S · · Driftwood, TX · Joined Sep 2018 · Points: 661
Chalk in the Wind wrote:

The PATC guide, I think.

Yes, the PATC guide. I got mine at the visitor center at Great Falls.

Back to the topic: I'm the one who added the Easter Egg Rocks routes, and I'm happy to make a crag page for them and ask the admin to move the pages over if that will help a little.
Tim M · · none · Joined Sep 2008 · Points: 293

Good luck!

Tim M · · none · Joined Sep 2008 · Points: 293

Apologies Greg. I think I misinterpreted your point.

M Mobley · · Bar Harbor, ME · Joined Mar 2006 · Points: 911
Timmamok * wrote: Yeah, Carderock is not exactly a destination crag. That doesn’t mean it isn’t important to the local community. The point isn’t to lure out-of-towners. The point is to have a well maintained  page with up-to-date information. The crag gets hammered. As rock climbing continues to become more popular, and it does, little details like a well maintained information resource for an over used area are needed to ensure future access.

I have reached out to Frances. That dude is the only admin for the greater Carderock area, as well as admin for veedavoo and some international places. I doubt carderock is the top of his list of concerns.

Why is there only one admin for the area?  I’ve offered my time, my admin experience, and my knowledge. I’m not the most qualified, someone could should step up. I hope. REI won’t let me manage the page.

When I was the admin for the great state of CT(lol) and someone wanted an area reorganized I'd ask them to help by writing it all out and email it to me. 

Greg Collins · · Tucson · Joined Mar 2010 · Points: 5

No opinion on the mountainproject page admin issue, but REI’s behavior at Carter Rock and Great Falls is abhorrent.  Nothing against the good folks that sign up for their classes, but sending an employee out hours before the group shows up to commandeer routes with top ropes and then leaving the ropes up all day has erased what little allure there was to either of these places (only real allure was proximity).  

M Mobley · · Bar Harbor, ME · Joined Mar 2006 · Points: 911
gcollins wrote: No opinion on the mountainproject page admin issue, but REI’s behavior at Carter Rock and Great Falls is abhorrent.  Nothing against the good folks that sign up for their classes, but sending an employee out hours before the group shows up to commandeer routes with top ropes and then leaving the ropes up all day has erased what little allure there was to either of these places (only real allure was proximity).

Thats quite a few days they take over eh? We as climbers are taught that bringing huge groups to the crag is usually not cool, especially to not take over routes all day. I wonder if the instructors teach this? It seems even worse to me if money is involved. I might suggest teaching those "outdoor" climbing skills in a gym, then tell people to go have at it on their own
Robert S · · Driftwood, TX · Joined Sep 2018 · Points: 661
gcollins wrote: No opinion on the mountainproject page admin issue, but REI’s behavior at Carter Rock and Great Falls is abhorrent.  Nothing against the good folks that sign up for their classes, but sending an employee out hours before the group shows up to commandeer routes with top ropes and then leaving the ropes up all day has erased what little allure there was to either of these places (only real allure was proximity).  

Guides do that just about everywhere they operate. It's annoying, but it's a fact of life now.

It's especially annoying at Carderock since it's such a small crag, but it's not that big a deal at Great Falls unless you love the Sandbox. And downstream of Aid Box, you can usually get on whatever you want.

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