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Misogynistic and problematic route names in rock climbing

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Paul Park · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Oct 2017 · Points: 0

I just read this very insightful article from the CBC on problematic route names in rock climbing. What are your thoughts on the pervasiveness of crude and inappropriate rock climbing route names? I had a long talk with my partner and we agreed that trying to promote a systematic renaming of sexist and misogynistic routes is the way to go. That's the only way our sport can truely become inclusive and equitable.  

Luke Andraka · · Crownsville, MD · Joined Aug 2017 · Points: 15

Stick to the gym if you want to get the warm fuzzies from route names. Or if you cant climb without pc names on your routes you could put up some climbs with family friendly names, or just complain about it on the proj....

Dan Cooksey · · Pink Ford Thunderbird · Joined Jan 2014 · Points: 365
William Fleming · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2014 · Points: 305

I just want to see a list of climbing's most offensive route names

Cron · · Maine / NH · Joined Oct 2009 · Points: 60
Guy Keesee · · Moorpark, CA · Joined Mar 2008 · Points: 349
William Fleming wrote: I just want to see a list of climbing's most offensive route names

Yes Paul. Please enlighten the people here on MP.

A list would be appreciated. 
CritConrad · · Bend, OR · Joined Aug 2010 · Points: 641

Please excuse me while I go and climb "Harry Butthole Pussy Potter" or perhaps I'd rather try "Flabby-armed Spanking Machine" or maybe "Anal Sac Expression".  OP should go try "Man Junk"!  These are all at HCR in arkansas, and there's plenty more where that came from!

Will S · · Joshua Tree · Joined Nov 2006 · Points: 1,061


Transmission on your F150 goes out? Problematic.

House burns down? problematic.

70' runout looking at a groundfall and already placed the only piece that would fit there? Problematic.

Wife files for divorce and takes the dog...well maybe not all that problematic. Except for the dog part. Unless it was that yippy chihuahua.

Route names? You're taking the piss, mate. If you find an off-color route name "problematic" you'd cry yourself to sleep if you listened to any standup from the '80s. Carlin, Clay, or Kinnison would give you an aneurysm. Brace for Wokehipstersplaining in 3...2...1...

Bill Czajkowski · · Albuquerque, NM · Joined Oct 2008 · Points: 21

I find it confusing that some cultures must be protected while others are eradicated and that’s ok.

Ted Pinson · · Chicago, IL · Joined Jul 2014 · Points: 252

Find a new hobby.

Mike Lane · · AnCapistan · Joined Jan 2006 · Points: 880

Misogyny is so 2016.
The new hotness is Boomer hate.
Try to keep up.

Ky Dame! · · The West · Joined Jul 2016 · Points: 150

It's ironic that even climbing apparently needs gentrification. 

Logan Hugmeyer · · Salem · Joined Jan 2019 · Points: 6

I think there is some ego in putting up a route in that the person that put it up probably wants it to see some climbs. Giving it a wild or vulgar name is a quick easy way to make it stick out or make it memorable. Would people rather climb Juggy Boulder Face Climb #2 or Pussyfart Express? How many Becky-whoever routes are there? How many North ridges are there? I don't think there is any malice.

Peter T · · Boston · Joined May 2016 · Points: 16
Paul Park wrote: I just read this very insightful article from the CBC on problematic route names in rock climbing. What are your thoughts on the pervasiveness of crude and inappropriate rock climbing route names? I had a long talk with my partner and we agreed that trying to promote a systematic renaming of sexist and misogynistic routes is the way to go. That's the only way our sport can truely become inclusive and equitable.  

I'm not opposed to this but don't feel too strongly about it. Yes the route names are misogynistic but more than anything they are childish (says a lot about the first ascentionists). I feel like an idiot when I tell someone, "hey I just sent [insert childish misogynistic route name]". 

That said, I think our community needs to be way more inclusive so im not opposed to renaming routes that keep people away
Optimistic · · New Paltz · Joined Aug 2007 · Points: 450

The idea that anyone needs to be "protected" from IDEAS that they find upsetting is not just problematic, it's blatantly anti-democratic. Can you really not see the slippery slope this represents?
What if I find it "upsetting" to see a group of people marching in support of electing someone other than the current president? Global warming is pretty upsetting too: maybe we should restrict my ability to talk about that?

At Lumpy Ridge there is a route called Mainliner. Back in the day a couple of friends of mine overdosed on heroin, which I found quite upsetting. Should Mainliner be renamed so I don't have to risk having upsetting memories of that time? What if I had an ex-girlfriend named "Becky" that I miss? Rename all of Fred Beckey's routes, just to play it safe? 

If you want to make climbing more inclusive, go find someone who wants to climb and be friendly to them and teach them how to climb. Form a group that encourages other people to behave in the same way. Set an example of inclusivity. 

But don't seduce yourself with the idea that it's no big deal to erase the free speech rights of other people, so that some hypothetical future person doesn't get mildly offended for a few minutes while looking at a climbing guidebook. 

M Mobley · · Bar Harbor, ME · Joined Mar 2006 · Points: 911

Its an art that the average millennial doesn't understand or appreciate. Try the local stitch and bitch club?

Doug S · · W Pa · Joined Apr 2012 · Points: 55

Real bigotry of any type is motivated by a sense of aggression or fear towards another group. This is different from having a sense of humor. I would speculate that most healthy people have a sense of humor about one another. I don't think that men have cornered the market on this. They've just climbed more.

Being highly offendable isn't a virtue.

Nick Goldsmith · · NEK · Joined Aug 2009 · Points: 460

route names usually just happen. they have something to do with what went down that day . if the name ends up being childish then the FA party gets to live with that for the rest of their lifes…  what you think is funny at 20 might not be so cool when you grow up a bit but that's  how life unfolds.. 

Parachute Adams · · At the end of the line · Joined Mar 2019 · Points: 0
Hubbard · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Mar 2010 · Points: 0

Over the years I have made lots of topos in San Diego. So many times climbers who did some boulder problem give me some offensive name expecting that I will put that on MY map. When I don't, they act hurt like I am censuring them. I tell them that if they are so proud of the name they want then go over to Mountain Project and post up the name there. Take personal credit for the route name. So far, nobody ever has. Free speech means the government cannot arrest you for a vulgar statement or piece you write or painting you make. Privately owned platforms like Facebook, MP or any other person's publishing efforts do not have to promote your stupidity. You are free to do that on your own.

Chalk in the Wind · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Aug 2014 · Points: 3

Mountain Project is offensive and not inclusive. Some climbers are actually afraid of heights. Thus, the name of this site is triggering to them. Change it already.

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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