My wife and I are heading to AZ the last week of February (to beat the March 1 Cochise raptor closure). We've never been, and we're psyched.
We will probably split our time (1 week) between Sedona for the first half and Cochise for the second half.
Not sure how much time to spend in each place--they both sound rad. We will be mostly camping. I'd be interested in any opinions about which place is more fun/prettier/warmer/better camping/etc.
After cruising MP, our todo list (we won't get to all of it) is
Sedona: Trundler's Club, Windows Route, Vortex in a Can, and the Waterfall crag
Cochise: Abracadaver, Warpaint, and Endgame (and that inner passage thingy!)
For Sedona- your choices are great! i would also consider Dr Rubos (awesome tower) Sedona Scenic Cruise (but that may be cold and the approach icy- just depends on weather), Coyote Tower and Arch Enemy just to name a few more classics for you :)
If you're up for Abracadaver you should check out The Prosecutor in Sedona.
I love Abracadaver and Warpaint in Cochise but Endgame felt like it has a bolt every body length and the moves are all the same, generic face climbing pulling on little granite nubs over and over again. I much preferred Days of Future Past on the same formation. Of course this is only my lowly opinion.
I would add that if it is windy; stay away from Cochise. Sedona will be warmer than Cochise then.
Jon and I did the Prosecutor and it felt harder than Arch Enemy, probablly because I don't like #4 camalot sized cracks. Just about anything will be fine in Sedona then.
Cochise is awesome. Can't beat Sheepshead and the walls just left of it. Great multi pitch. The Rockfellows are usually fine then too if it isn't a cold day. I would also recommend Days of Future Passed on Rockfellows over Endgame.