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Cirque of the Towers Conditions

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Bud Martin · · Bozeman, MT · Joined Apr 2010 · Points: 380

How are the bugs?

Lee Jenkins · · Tucson, Arizona · Joined Dec 2005 · Points: 1,125

They were not too bad last week. Take some deet. They are a bit bothersome in the evening...

Charlie S · · NV · Joined Aug 2007 · Points: 2,415

A friend told me that I had an uncharacteristically low-bug experience. Put on bug spray only a handful of times. Didn't even need the bug net!

Cameron Sumpter · · Lander, WY · Joined Aug 2010 · Points: 65

Just got out on wed, low bugs, only used spray 1 night. Just bring long sleeves.

bob branscomb · · Lander, WY · Joined Feb 2009 · Points: 1,268

We were at Shadow Lake on the west side of the Cirque this last weekend and there were virtually no bugs. Really amazing for the Winds.

Chris Dickson · · Ophir, CO · Joined May 2011 · Points: 871

Instead of creating a new thread, I thought I would revive this one for the upcoming alpine season in the Cirque. It seems like its been a big snow year up there, and the Winds are holding at above 100% of their average SWE. Anyone know what this will mean for conditions (approaches, bugs, wet routes, etc)?

Would I be a fool for trying to head up there in mid-June?

Jburton · · Ogden · Joined Jan 2014 · Points: 0

I'm heading up early July, would love to keep updated on conditions too.

JD Merritt · · Eugene, OR · Joined Apr 2011 · Points: 2,777

Hey chris. Mid june should be doable, but probably not without some postholing.

Whenever there's a big snow year, you can count on the usual summer changes, but with a delay. Normally, trails and approaches are beginning to dry by june, but this year it is more likely to happen in july. In the Tetons, people are still skiing up high all through june during bigger years like this.

Similarly, the bug problem reaches it's peak towards the end of the snowmelt season, when temps are warm and standing water is plenty. As things dry out, the bugs finally die out. This year, you can count on having the best rock climbing conditions in august and september.

Charlie S · · NV · Joined Aug 2007 · Points: 2,415…

Comparing 2013 to 2014, it looks as though the southern tip of the Wind Rivers has less snow fall than this time last year. The northern part of the range still looks pretty socked in.
Greg Malloure · · Prescott Az · Joined Mar 2010 · Points: 20

Any guesses on the snow coverage as in what elevation do you think snow is continuous? Around Titcomb Basin? This time of year, like right now/next week?

Charlie S · · NV · Joined Aug 2007 · Points: 2,415
Greg-Az wrote:Any guesses on the snow coverage as in what elevation do you think snow is continuous? Around Titcomb Basin? This time of year, like right now/next week?
I believe the above link will answer that question.
Danny F · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2014 · Points: 0

I live in Pinedale, WY and work in the Winds.
As of right now, the snow level is sitting at about 8000' in the northern end of the range. You can't drive to the Big Sandy trailhead (TH used to access the Cirque of the Towers, if you don't know) and every day I see ATVs and trucks get stuck in big snow drifts miles from the really good trailheads. Last year, I was camping at Big Sandy Lake somewhere around this time.

The good news is that the southern end didn't get as much snow as the northern end, and this is where most of the popular climbing is located. Nevertheless, the estimates that I have heard thrown around by people who have experience in this area are that the access is going to come pretty late -- something like end of June, beginning of July wouldn't really surprise anybody at this point -- and conditions will definitely be sloppy for a while after that.
Some people are predicting that sections of the northern end won't even have a chance to melt out this summer. It's just going to continue to be inaccessible by any non-snow-travel means until the snow flies in October. This is all speculation. Educated speculation, maybe, but there are so many variables that it's hard to predict so far into the future.

Also, big snow year = big bug year. Yay!

This is all based on what I have heard where I work, which is populated by people who, for the most part, know what they are talking about. These aren't my predictions but I can certainly tell, having personally tried to drive to every single trailhead last weekend, it's still sleddin' season up here.

If anybody cares to keep getting updates, I can post condition reports every week or however often you want them.

Charlie S · · NV · Joined Aug 2007 · Points: 2,415


Thanks for the excellent feedback. Weekly (or even bi-weekly) would be good (if you're willing and able). If the snow is that high, sounds like I might have to push my trip into August rather than July.

5.samadhi Süñyātá · · asheville · Joined Jul 2013 · Points: 40

daily or even bi-daily reports would be appreciated.

Danny F · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2014 · Points: 0

From NOAA:


The melt begins. I am going to check on some more trailheads this weekend. At this point, it will all be dependent on how fast the rivers can move the water out of the mountains.

Link to the message: NOAA

Arlo F Niederer · · Colorado Springs, CO · Joined Mar 2009 · Points: 515

I was born and raised in Rock Springs and been climbing in the Winds for over 4 decades.

The current snowpack reminds me of another snow year in the Winds. We tried to get into the Cirque over the fourth of July. There was still snow at Big Sandy lake, although in sunny spots around the north side of the lake there was no snow. The mosquitoes were horrendous, and most people can't believe how well I can ignore mosquitoes (from all that "mosquitoe training" in the Winds!).

There was 3 feet of compacted snow over Jackass Pass and in the Cirque (snowshoes/skis not required), and not any bare patches that I can remember. There was considerable snow/ice on the north facing rocks, and many of the south facing crack systems had either ice/snow or freezing water running down them. To safely do the descents off of some peaks (e.g. - Wolf's Head) required an ice ax on the compacted snow - especially if it they are in the shade.

There are many years when you are not be able to drive into the Big Sandy Trailhead until the second week of June, sometimes later. The worst part is the very slick deep mud bogs in the drainages (they have swelling clays which are very slick). The snotel Big Sandy site still has 13 inches of snow on the ground.

The snow water equivalent is really high in Northwestern Wyoming, including the Winds:…

Based on what Daniel is reporting, I think this is one of the years where the Cirque doesn't come into shape until the second week of July. But that also depends on how warm it stays and if there are any June snows. The Colorado high country received a foot of snow last weekend.

With a year like this, it's best to plan your trip later and see what transpires. You're likely to get frustrated trying to get in too soon. Nothing is better than a sunny day in the Winds with good conditions - and nothing worse than climbing in the Winds with a late spring with icy water in cracks, treacherous snowy descents, and mosquitoes galore!

CStetson · · SLC, UT · Joined Jun 2014 · Points: 0

Alright then, so how's the skiing? Thinking of heading into the Titcomb area next week. Wondering about how far up the road I can get and whether to bring the pulk or just carry it all on my back. Anybody been out there recently?

WadeM · · Auburn, Ca · Joined Apr 2010 · Points: 481

Is the road to Sandy clear of snow yet?

CStetson · · SLC, UT · Joined Jun 2014 · Points: 0

The road to elkhart park is definitely open. I heard Big Sandy was clear as well.

Danny F · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Feb 2014 · Points: 0

Snow is melting really fast. From what I have been able to see, the significant snow level is at around 10,500 - 700 or so (absolutely approximate and based on what I have seen from overlooks of the major Divide peaks and heard from people).

My guess, based on experience and what people have told me, is that neither Titcomb or Cirque of the Towers would really be "open" right now. As in, you could probably get up there if you wanted to, like always, but it would involve lots of travel through rotten and horrible snow and what sections of trail you do find would be really boggy and washed out from the huge amounts of melting that have been going on. 2-3 weeks (?) is probably the time frame for being able to reasonably access the good stuff.

The road to Elkhart is open, but the trail still has snow banks on it. You can hike it, but not with any sort of expectation of unimpeded travel at all.

WadeM · · Auburn, Ca · Joined Apr 2010 · Points: 481

I appreciate the info. I was shooting for July 19th so plenty of time. If I could get up there sooner I would.

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

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