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salisbur1 Salisbury · · Boulder · Joined Apr 2006 · Points: 25

Amazing. Rudy you're still alive!? I figured you must have died in a fiery auto accident. Excellent placard, that is a classic. Didn't you head out to MT in a black VW bug? As I recall it had an ice axe firmly embedded in it's hood. You can find exploits of Russell on Just search for "funny things said by Billy Russell" under the forums. His new name's Swilliam but he's too toasted to actually say anything humorous though. You disappeared after a couple of years up at the lake.. I heard high tell that you were going off to become a pharmacist in order to prescribe yourself copious amounts of f*knez, thereby getting yourself totally and amazingly JACKED!!!

Duke of Puke

Jim Rudolph · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Apr 2006 · Points: 5

I am alive and well, although my best climbing years are long in the past. I did have an ice axe plunged through the 66 volkswagen as well as DLFA scrawlings of perpetual jackness. I have been looking to find the original and true DLFA President Tom Deuchler. We last climbed together at Devils lake back in the early '90's. We also made an unsuccessful attempt up the 40 story Pillsbury building, but got nabbed at the 17th floor. Where has all the original DLFA gone? I seek to reunite the team for a summer DLFA jackness festival where we can rehash some of the crazy stories and renew our memberships by swigging down some cold ones while standing on our head! All those interested or having contacts - see for details

salisbur1 Salisbury · · Boulder · Joined Apr 2006 · Points: 25

Hard to tell where the Co-co Prince of F*Knez is. Last I heard he was living in a trailer in the deep dark recesses of the Lake's forests, with a 357 by the door. I'd guess Pete might know.

There have been past attempts at repeating the 10 Days of F*knez, but it's a hard one to get those in CO or CA to go back. There's too many other things to do. But those out there already now should give it an honest go, yet most are old washed up farts now. Bechler and Moir are out there, Sime's out there but unable to drink and under close watch. Lemons.. heck.. who knows, but he did make it into the forward of the latest guide book of Eldo. It seems most others have been assimilated. Too bad from my point of view. K. Guy is an alcholic with a bad back. Drug machine Steve still climbs hard out here though... one of the few. And Russell ( the self proclaim Prez ) I think now spends most of his time leading nubiles up 5.8s for a living. Could be worse. As you know.. "If at first you don't succeed to hump and buck 'em.. get 'em on all 4s and ..."

Well.. this hombre is off to the Tetons for the off season for a week. Where you living now these days Rudy? I like CO myself, other than working.


Oh.. and one of the twisted sisters is living out this way here now too I believe. So's Beth Wald.. Tommy's old .. ah.. yea.

BruceC · · Unknown Hometown · Joined May 2006 · Points: 0

Rudatis! Swine Frickin Von Hurlig - hoop hoop! (UGH!!!!! (for Tom))
When's the reunion? I asked about the old clubbers once when I was back at the Lake in the early 1990s - it sounded like most were either dead, in jail or insane. That sounded about right to me.

Tom - "Have fun or get hurt bad!" I have not heard anyone but me say that for twenty years. What was your brother's name? Rod was a clubber I used to climb with who was studying to be a pharmacist - his stated goal was for all the better drugs.

I've climbed lots of places since I started in the early 1970s - but Devils Lake will always be my favorite. Climbing is not just about the area or the size of the climb. The attitude of the Devils Lake clubbers in the 70s and early 1980s made for very high standards of climbing - measured against anyone, anywhere.

BruceC · · Unknown Hometown · Joined May 2006 · Points: 0
Tom Hanson wrote: Hi Jim, So it was you, with Tommy, who bagged the FA of the Pillsbury Tower in Mpls? Cool. I remember that well. There was a big article in the Minneapolis Star & Tribune about that ascent. If I remember correctly, the cops were waiting for you on top and you got busted, but let off with a slap on the wrist. Jackness now, jackness forever, jackness for the revolution!
I remember a quote from TommyD from that article...
"If I don't climb at least once a week I get physically ill".
Tom Hanson · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jan 2001 · Points: 950

It was great to hear from you. Do you know what ever happened to some of the other Taylors Falls regulars, like Dan Grady who was a muscular blonde guy with tatoos. He hung out with a guy that had straight dark hair and glasses. They both pulled down hard.
What about old Gary, who was with the Minnesota Rovers?
The Midwest Mountaineering boys?
Margaret, the strong little lady of TF?
Scott Backus went on to some extreme mountaineering with the likes of Twight and House.

jackness now, jackness forever, jackness for the revolution!

have fun or get hurt bad.


salisbur1 Salisbury · · Boulder · Joined Apr 2006 · Points: 25

Is anyone.. ANYONE.. walking the fine line of FUKNEZ! now??

Puke to bleed with Lou Reed!

Tom Hanson · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jan 2001 · Points: 950

I have never swayed in my DLFA inspired attitude towards climbing, and life in general.
Jackness Now. Jackness Forever. Jackness for the Revolution!
Drink to Puke. Puke to Bleed. Bleed Intensely.

Have fun or get hurt bad.


Joe Hays · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2006 · Points: 0

The last I heard, Tommy was living in a trailer in the Green Valley campground, just across from the Ski Hi Apple orchard. He was picking apples at the orchard and doing other odd jobs. I even heard a rumor that he was teaching climbing to young nubiles, but that rumor has not yet been confirmed.

There used to be an annual DLFA get together every July or August, but I have not heard of anything this year.

As for those trail markers, I always thought it was Rich who creatively enhanced them.

When did the rat transform into a pessamead? I guess I stumbled into the club a little late (early 80's) because by then the pessamead had taken over. Could it be that a pessamead is simply a rat on jackness?

Tom Anderson-Brown · · Madison, WI · Joined May 2001 · Points: 2,955

The first climbing experience I had at Devil's Lake was with Tommy D when I took a climbing course through Adventure Rock in Pewaukee. They had hired Tommy and featured him in their brochure, saying "Climb with Devil's Lake Legend Tommy D" or something like that.
It was a cool experience. I only wish I'd known more about who he was when I was climbing with him.
He rolled his cigarettes, climbed barefoot, and wrapped the rope around his waist "swami-belt style" while climbing. Lots of laughs and smiles from Tommy the whole day. It was clear that being out on the rocks, even with first-time climbers, is what Tommy thrives on. I hope to meet him again some day.

Cory Bartholomew · · Ă–stersund, Sweden · Joined Oct 2002 · Points: 10

As a recent emigrant away from The Lake it's great to hear all the emotional and amusing posts re: my favorite climbing area on earth. Sandbagged, slippery as hell and full of old guys drinking beer and smoking joints-how could it get any better. I came along too late to witness the DLFA in it's heyday but salute it's long history of hardness and debauchery. I love the fact that you can still watch someone over 50 slam a beer and then lead something on hexes that i can't even toprope. I look forward to reading more posts that allow me to vicariously experience the lake until i can return.
p.s. if anyone makes it to Sweden and wants to climb let me know.

Woodchuck ATC · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Nov 2007 · Points: 3,305
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